Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Jessicat's second Christmas

Well, it has all passed us by in a fog of exhaustion, to be honest. Jessicat has got ANOTHER cold, so has been sleeping badly. Dot and Brian are staying with us, and have kindly taken her out for a walk to give Dave and me a bit of a break to recuperate.

On the plus side, Jess has got lots of lovely new books as presents! I don't have all the titles to hand to record them, so will save that for another post. Just wanted to do a quick update for Jessicat to look back on. More soon....

Friday, 14 December 2007

More signs of toddlerdom...

Jessicat is increasingly asserting her will and preferences and she does not do it quietly. She will be 13 months old this weekend, and toddlerdom is coming upon us quickly.

As I've written before, sharing books is both a joy and a challenge now. A joy because Jessicat seems to understand so much and be able to point to and identify so many objects correctly; a challenge because her concentration span is more limited now she is mobile and there are so many attractions to entice her to explore. One ruse we've employed to get her to sit still for brief periods recently is to ask her to "read" to one of her little plastic figures from In the Night Garden; I wonder if other people think I've gone mad if they hear me say "show Iggle-Piggle the pictures Jess"!

Some of our books of the moment are:

There's a Cow in the Cabbage Patch - Clare Beaton (we've read this one before, and both of us enjoy the rhyme).
Spot Loves His Dad - Eric Hill. Nice to see a book featuring a dad spending time with his kids. Jessicat loves to study the pictures and point to objects for me to name.
Elmer's Friends - David McKee. Featurning the most camp polar bear and lion you will ever see in a book, ever. But Jess loves grabbing the book off me when we get to the page with the kangaroo on it, to make it bounce.
My Shimmery Glimmery Christmas Book - Selina Yoon.

Dave and I are really busy now getting ready for Christmas. Dot and Brian are coming down next weekend, and we have a lot of shopping to do first. We have got our 2 Christmas trees up in the front room, and Jess loves it when we put the lights on. This feels like our first Christmas in a lot of ways - last year's was a colicky blur - so we have some extra celebrating to do!

Friday, 7 December 2007

Christmas books

Well, we are in December now, and Jessicat is excited by Christmas trees, Christmas lights and the decorations that are hanging up in the supermarket. So, there is a bit of a festive theme with our reading as well at the moment:

Dear Santa - Rod Campbell. Oh yes, a much loved book already.

Father Christmas - Fiona Watt. Big, bright book with cluttered pictures of Santa and his elves doing their business on Christmas eve. Now she is familiar with it, Jess loves it, and we pore over this book together to pick out the details and objects she recognizes.

Poppy Cat's Christmas - Lara Jones. Another big book, this time with pop-ups, so I do have to keep it out of Jessicat's reach, which is a shame, as she loves it. One of the best in the Poppy Cat series.

Some time ago, I also bought Jess a book entitled Christmas Baby by Fiona Watt, and I am looking forward to sharing it with her. We are planning to put our tree and decorations up tomorrow, though not sure how we will be able to Jess-proof them.

As always, lots of tiny developments in Jessicat all the time. She is now cruising round the furniture much more confidently, and has even tried to stand unaided, but is some way off doing this yet, I think. When we are feeding her, she is keener than ever to grab the spoon from us, and try to manipulate herself, though in reality, she would starve if left to her own devices. Yesterday, she signed for "more" when I asked her if she wanted me to continue reading to her, and she seems to be attempting to say "yes" and "there", although not clear.

Friday, 30 November 2007

Our new routines

I have been back at work since the 20th November, so our time together has taken a different structure.

Mondays - might be Sing and Sign (though we are finishing this class soon) followed by St Luke's Toddler Group in the afternoons.

Tuesdays - I am at work and Jessicat is with her Nanny. There is a Toddler Group in the afternoon that she attends, where she particularly enjoys going on the trikes.

Wednesdays - from next week, Dave will be spending the day with Jessicat whilst I am at work. Jess and I usually attend a Baby Bounce session at the library and go to Stay and Play in the afternoons.

Thursday - another day with Nanny and another Toddler Group. Jessicat seems to need a full and busy day to tire her out.

Friday - hurrah, my time with Jess again! We usually attend a Storytime at Wick Road library, where Jessicat doesn't sit still for a second and Mummy ends up doing the craft activity. Afternoons often see us going to a soft play area, sometimes with our neighbours, Shelley and Rex.

The weeks are busy but satisfying. Jess still enjoys her books, though her concentration continues to wander as her main aim at the moment is to learn to walk. Something she does frequently now is to make connections between what she sees in a book and what she can see in real life. For example, if I point out that a character in a book wears glasses, she turns and points to mine. The same if I point out a fire, a candle, and lots of other easily recognizable objects she can see in our front room.

Friday, 23 November 2007

Some of Mum's reading as well

Some of the books Jessicat and I are enjoying together at the moment include:

Mr Bear Says Let's Go Outside - Debi Gliori. Another one from the series we both love. Jess enjoys looking at the last illustration of Mr Bear in front of the fire, and pointing to our fire (sadly not a pine-scented log affair).

Follow the Fish - Mandy Ross.

Dear Santa - Rod Campbell. Well, it's nearly December!

"Where's the Cat?" Stella Blackstone. Jessicat loves this book so much that I am considering ordering some from the Barefoot Books range for her Christmas stocking.

Ghost - Luke Depondt.

I have an admission to make. At the moment, I am reading Philip Pullman's Northern Lights. I can't believe I left it so long, and can only plead that pregnancy and the rigours of motherhood kept me too busy to read much. This is one of the best books I have read, ever. I am genuinely frightened of Mrs Coulter and cannot believe that I am so absorbed and gripped by a fantasy novel - normally a genre I avoid. I am savouring the novel, allowing myself a chapter a night. It is like a fine wine to be sipped I think, rather than a drink to be gulped back. I wonder if Jessicat will ever want to read it?

Friday, 16 November 2007

Happy Birthday Jessicat!

We are off to the zoo shortly, so just a very quick post to record for posterity that Jessicat has reached the grand old age of 1! And despite sniffles, PND (mine :(), lots of disturbed nights and lots of difficult days, there have been moments of such joy and love that they take my breath away. Here's to the next year being even better!

Monday, 12 November 2007

Jessicat's first birthday party

We held Jessicat's party yesterday, though it is not her actual birthday until the 16th. All our close friends and family were able to attend, including Dot and Brian, who had been staying with us on their way back home from their cruise. Jess coped with a full house of people very well, enjoying the balloons and cake, and making me feel ridiculously proud when we all sang "happy birthday" to her.

As of today, we have substituted the early morning bottle for a cup of milk, and that went smoothely. It's more difficult to persuade Jessicat to drink cow's milk instead of formula, and I have to confess to giving her Frosties in lieu of her normal Weetabix to entice her to eat cereal with cow's milk. Hmmm, bad mummy. The next step is to began adding cow's milk to her remaining milky drinks, and swapping the evening bottle for a cup. One challenge after another, one step in front of the other.....

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

November's reading

We've got some good books on the go at the moment. They include:

Ten Chuckling Ducklings - Sally Crabtree. Jessicat loves to press the sound chip to make the ducks quack, and enjoys looking at this book on her own, making the sign for "duck" as she does so.

Moo, Moo - Jo Lodge. Bright, clear and relatively uncluttered illustrations mean that this book triggers lots of chat and questions even though the text is very basic.

Happy Christmas, Lulu - Caroline Uff. Really this book is aimed at older children, but it's a nice way to start talking about Christmas with Jess.

Where is Maisy Going - Lucy Cousins. Jessicat loves Maisy, and we are always looking out for more in this series.

Ready for Bed-y-Byes- Helen Stephens. Another book with textures - putting her fingers on the sticky cake makes Jessicat laugh.

Dave and I are getting ready to host a little party for Jessicat this weekend. We have our family and close friends coming to help us celebrate surviving the year (surely you mean Jessicat's first birthday?!?!), and will be able to show off our front garden which is now newly converted to a driveway.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

November already....first birthday approaching

Unbelievable to think that Jessicat is now nearly a year old - only two weeks to go! Also scary to think that in 3 week's time, I will be back at work - a prospect I view with some ambivalence. Yesterday, Jess attended a birthday party for all the babies from my ante-natal cohort, and we are also planning a little family gathering for her nearer to the 16th.

Jessicat still continues to be restless, constantly pulling herself up onto her feet, but she is still enjoying being read to. We find it helps if we move around the room a bit with her, or simply continue whilst she wanders off, as she nearly always finds her way back to us; sheer nosiness means she needs to see what is going on!

Some of our books of the moment include:

Bathtime Peekaboo - Dawn Sirrett
I wish I were a dog - Lydia Monks. I'm pleased that Jessicat enjoys this book as there are no gimmicks - ie flaps or textures - so it must be a combination of the pictures and text that captivates her.
Poppy Cat's Farm - Lara Jones. A little gem of a book. The repetitive rhyme is fun and Jess likes to wave back to Poppy Cat on the final page. She loves this one!
Ready or Not, Mr Croc? - Jo Lodge. Another great read. The flaps and pop ups are fragile, so I have to watch Jessicat carefully when we read this book, but she loves Mr Croc jumping out at the end of the book. We will be looking for more books in this series.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Concentration levels gone AWOL

Jessicat is more interested in getting mobile than sitting still and listening to Mummy (or anyone else) reading at the moment. This means that I have to employ every ounce of skill that I have to entice her to stay near enough to me to look at the pictures and listen to me reading. Often, I find that Jess will listen a bit longer if she is stood up leaning against the sofa, or I let her crawl all over me as I continue reading, and encourage her to look/participate during any particularly exciting bits. Obviously, I am looking forward to the day when Jessicat takes her first steps and my back and arms get a bit of a break, but I hope this milestone does not herald the end of our snuggly times together sharing books. I'm determined to find ways of keeping her connection with books strong, and am open to any suggestions about how this can be achieved.

Our books for this week include:

"Pretty Brown Face" - Andrea Davis Pinkney (as a result of reading this, Jessicat can now point to my chin and eyes!)

"Funny Face " - Nicola Smee. We like spotting the little insect or animal on most pages.

"Just Like Mummy" - Cecilia Johannson

"Zebra Clops" - Stephen Barker.


Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Seeing grandparents

Had a nice few days with Dot and Brian staying. Jessicat was a bit suspicious at first, but became confident in their presence much more quickly than I expected, though still not really content to sit on their laps for more than a few moments. But she did love the extra games of "peekaboo" and has been spoilt with advance birthday presents and some new clothes. Thankfully, she did sleep well for the duration of their stay; long may this continue.

Jessicat was 11 months yesterday, so I think it is ok to officially be excited about her first birthday now! The invitations are issued and some of the party food is already in the cupboard.

For posterity, I will record some of Jess's favourite things:

Reading with Mummy and Daddy (obviously)
games of peekaboo
Crawling from one side of the room to another to give us a kiss (altogether now - aaah!)
snacking on our food
"In the Night Garden"
Seeing the car boot being opened (!)
Anyone dropping anything and inadvertently swearing (this can lead to convulsions of laughter)
Petits Filous and biscuits
Being asked to point to objects she can readily identify, such as the moon, lights, noses, ears etc.
Successfully imitating actions to certain well known songs and rhymes.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Wot no sleep?

Jessicat is still waking up around midnight and being difficult to settle back down. As a result of this, Dave and I are feeling pretty tired at the moment. Still, we are looking forward to Dot and Brian visiting, and hope they will be pleasantly surprised by how well Jess is doing (minus the erratic sleeping patterns).

We have been discovering couple of children's classics this week:

Goodnight, Gorilla - Peggy Rathmann. This book has made me realise that it's actually harder to read books that have very little text, as the onus is on me to provide the narrative and explain the illustrations to Jess in a way that she understands. Thankfully, the pictures in this book do lend themselves to lots of talking, repetition and animal noises - 3 things that Jessicat loves! And she does laugh at the page where I have to say "good night" in lots of different voices.

Goodnight, Moon - Margaret Wise Brown. Lovely rhymes make this book a joy to read aloud, though the pictures are very small for Jessicat to comprehend. One very tiny quibble - that balloon is not red, it is orange! I think it's important to get colours right when babies are taking everything in.

Monday, 8 October 2007

The best of times, the worst of times...

Some good days and some bad days. Jessicat's sleep has been a bit disturbed of late by diarrhoea and rampant teething (looks like a molar is trying to push through), so Dave and I have been feeling tired. But her receptivity to songs and books continues to be a joy. She is beginning to imitate the actions to certain songs (Twinkle, Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus, Wind the Bobbin Up etc) and can manage a few basic gestures. Also, I have noticed that if we see a picture in a book of, say, a pair of specs, or a necklace, or an ear, she will turn round and point to my glasses, necklace or ear. All signs that her comprehension continues to develop fast.

A visit to the Central Library on Saturday (whilst Dave was busy re-painting our kitchen) yielded the following:

I Hear - Helen Oxenbury. Great book for prompting a bit of conversation.

ABC - Sarah Phillips. Jessicat loves to feel the different textures in this book, and is particularly fascinated by the pluckable strings on the violin.

One Little Home - Dubravka Kolanovic. Great pictures in this book, with lots of little details to discuss. I also like the fact the the pictures are not too cluttered, so Jess can immediately see and understand what I am referring to.

Find the Teddy - Claudia Zeff. And she can, I am so proud!

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

A week of illnesses...

....for Jessicat and me. She has had a stomach upset (first ever episode of proper vomiting), and I have got a streaming cold. We are now both on the mend, and really enjoying the damp, autumn weather that makes staying indoors and snuggling up with our books so enticing!

Finding books for Jesssicat is challenging at the moment. She has gone past the stage of very first baby books, but is not yet ready for anything other than the simplest of narratives. Books with flaps, mirrors and textures continue to interest her, as do any simple, repetitive stories that feature animals and animal noises.

Some of this week's books:

Bedtime Poems, Moonlight Rhymes - ed by Mary Joslin. This works well as a book to read just before bedtime, and is nice for me, as it features more adult poems, including a great one called Silver by Walter de la Mare, but is really aimed at children 4+.

Happy Birthday, Lulu - Caroline Uff. Jessicat enjoys the Lulu books, and as her first birthday is now approaching, I am taking the opportunity to begin discussing birthdays with her. Another series that I want to share with Jess in its entirety.

What Do You Do? - Mandy Stanley. Love her pictures, and the way the basic text invites participation. Jessicat can't really join in yet, but she giggles when we get to the rocking beetle and I bounce her up and down on my knee.

Ten Stars Twinkle - from the Baby Einstein series. I'm disappointed with this. It's beautifully produced and Jess loves to feel the glittery stars, but the text is uninspired and it's hard to spend long over this book.

Can You Cuddle Like a Koala? - John Butler. We only picked this up from the library yesterday, but as it features lots of beautifully drawn animals, I imagine Jessicat will come to love it (it sometimes takes a few readings now for her to really begin to enjoy a book).

Bear In Sunshine - Stella Blackstone. One thing I love about these books is all the small details in the pictures which lead to lots of conversations and questions about what is going on.

Daisy Says Coo - Jane Simmons. Not sure if Jessicat understands the comedy of a duck saying "coo" rather than "quack", but when she does, I think this will really amuse her!

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Jessicat's Second Holiday

We are just back from a week in Weymouth - hence the title. It was a lovely week, and most momentously of all, Jess finally managed to crawl!!! I would like to say that this has marked the end of a period of frustration for Jessicat and us, but first Dave and I have to get down to some serious baby-proofing!

More developments: Jess can say "mama", "dada" and "nana", though not always to the right person. She continues to enjoy blowing raspberries, stetching up high and waving on command. Pleasingly, despite her new found mobility, sitting on Mummy's lap for some books is still one of her favourite activities, and one of the few things that calms her when she is grumpy.

This week's selection includes:
Busy Airport - Rebecca Finn. Jessicat is attracted to the flaps and levers, but the pictures are too busy for her to take much in.
Teatime with Woof - Caroline Jayne Church. Lovely pictures, with a small amount of text, and the ever welcome different textures.
The Very Busy Spider - Eric Carle. At first, Jessicat was not interested in this, but after several readings, is beginning to show more interest.
Noisy Poems - Collected by Jill Bennett. An old favourite, with some poems that could sit equally well in an adult anthology.

Jessicat is now over 10 months old, and we are on the countdown to toddlerdom!

Thursday, 13 September 2007

A frustrating period

Jessicat is frustrated and a bit miserable at the moment. A lot of this seems to be down to her inability to crawl; she will not give up, and so we see the bum go up in the air, followed quickly by "WAAAAH" as she doesn't get anywhere. Jess also seems to be teething, or has a little bug of some sorts; either way, she is most definitely not her usual sunny self at the moment.

I took her to the baby clinic this morning for a general check up. Jessicat weighs 23 lbs, which I am told is perfect for her height. The health visitor advised me that now is the time to be thinking of giving up the bottles in favour of beakers, so as of today, Jess is down to 2 bottles a day plus one beaker of milk. Another challenge for my frustrated little daughter!

With so many changes and so much learning on the horizon, it's good that we are sticking to some old favourites where books are concerned. Yesterday, Dave and I were reading to Jessicat for over 30 minutes; she was whingey and tired all day, and this seemed to be the one activity that calmed and satisfied her for any length of time. Takes me back to the bad old days of colic and my trusty mantra of the time: this too shall pass.

Monday, 10 September 2007

When will summer end?

We seem to be having a real Indian summer at the moment; frustrating for someone like me who does not like the heat and loves crisp autumn days. You can see the season's change in the darker, longer nights and the improved TV schedules though!

Some more books that Jessicat and I have perused this week include:

Busy Playtime - Rebecca Finn
Busy Beach - Rebecca Finn
Just Like Daddy - Cecilia Johansson
If You See A Kitten - John Butler

We have a huge consignment on order with the library as well, and are reverting back to some old favourites whilst waiting for these to come in, including Happy Dog, Sad Dog, Peepo Baby and Count with Maisy.

I'm reading - and greatly enjoying - Libby Purves's latest book, Love Songs and Lies.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

New books for September

On the go this month, we have:

Where is Maisy's Panda? - Lucy Cousins. I actually prefer this to Where's Spot?
Wibbly Pig Can Make A Tent - Mick Inkpen
Find the Puppy - illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly Jessicat picked up the concept of this book; after just one or two readings, she was able to spot the well-disguised puppy.
The Runaway Train - a Ladybird touch and sing book
Touch and Feel Pets
Jack and Jill and other nursery rhymes - illustrated by Lucy Cousins.

Jessicat continues to grow and do new things. When we blow bubbles during her bath time, she often tries to imitate us in saying "pop". I think she also attempts to say "balloon", though the sound is not clear, so it is hard to be certain. Jess can say "dada" and "mama", but it is very difficult to know if this is said with meaning, even though she can point to Dave or me when asked to.

Her inability to crawl continues to frustrate her. She can move from a sitting position onto all fours, but then gets stuck. Jessicat is not yet pulling herself up. She does appear to have adjusted to the new nap regime, and - touch wood - continues to sleep well, though still waking before 6.30am.

All our activities have started again this week. We are going back to Stay and Play, and library singing sessions, but have abandoned Jolly Babies, as this happens too near to Jessicat's nap time to be viable. We are joining Sing and Sign in Emerson's Green at the end of the month, and I am excited about that.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

2 adult books on the importance of reading to children

Baby Read- Aloud Basics - Caroline J Blakemore and Barbara Weston Ramirex. Found this book in Borders, and absolutely love it. It's a detailed study of how you read to babies under 24 months in ways that grab and maintain their interest levels, and what babies gain from having books read to them from even a few weeks old. It sums up everything I feel about the importance of sharing books with babies, and should probably be given away free in Bounty packs. Some of the Americanisms grate slightly, but that's a small moan overall.

Give Your Child Real Learning Power - Barrie Wade and Maggie More. This is a British book looking at the importance of reading to babies, with specific reference to the Bookstart project. It's a bit less detailed and scientific than Baby Read-Aloud Basics, but the message comes across loud and clear. I do like the chapter advising parents what's in it for them by reading extensively to their babies, and can vouch that the benefits listed do indeed apply to mummies as well as babies. And daddies of course. One small moan. They cite the example of a baby called Zoe, whose mother shared books with her from birth, and Zoe's mother states: "Right from go, when she started holding a book herself, she has never had it the wrong way round". Really? Jessicat has been read to from being only a few months old, and loves to hold her books, but most of the time, they are upside down, and I do find myself a bit sceptical about this claim.

Looking forward to my 34th birthday tomorrow and a new term of activities starting for Jessicat and me next week. October 5ths is National Bookstart day, so I am expecting to see lots of posters and activities advertised for us to get involved with!

Saturday, 25 August 2007

New photos added

Have finally got round to uploading some more recent photos of Jessicat. It's a hectic weekend here; not only is it our wedding anniversary tomorrow, but I have a new MP3 player to distract me, and am trying to plan my birthday outing. I will be back soon to blog about Jessicat's latest books.

Friday, 24 August 2007

Tired Mummy alert

On Wednesday night, Jessicat decided that she most definitely was NOT ready for bed at 6.45pm, and let us know by screaming for over half an hour. Yikes! Shattered nerves all round and nervous consulting of books ensued. I've come to the sorry conclusion that the halcyon days of 2 daytime naps are now over, so Jess will be having a lunchtime sleep only.

On the plus side, Jessicat can now clap (she seems to be learning something new almost daily at the moment). More posts later on our late summer reading.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Proud mummy alert

Now, maybe I should be getting out a bit more, but I am so proud of Jessicat today. Yesterday, when Dave was singing "Twinkle Twinkle" to her, she began imitating the actions, opening and closing her chubby little starfish hands whenever we began the song. That made me feel that all the singing, reading and playing we do together is helping her to learn things.

Visited Emerson's Green library on Saturday, and managed to pick up the following books:

Wibbly Pig Opens His Presents - Mick Inkpen. Jessicat's favourite Wibbly Pig book so far; she seems fascinated by the concept of presents (well, who isn't?)

Busy Park - Rebecca Finn. Good sturdy book that Jessicat can actually manage to operate in parts.

I Like It When - Mary Murphy. I do like this writer! Jessicat and I read this, and I imitate as many of the actions as possible. Jess is even able to point to various objects when asked.

Let's Play, Alfie Bear - Catherine Walters. This book is really a bit too old for Jessicat at the moment, so I tend to skip the text and just talk about the pictures at this stage.

Friday, 17 August 2007

9 months old

Yesterday, we reached the 9 month point. I am so proud of how well Jessicat is coming on. She can now: wave (pretty much to order), lean her face into ours to give us a kiss, put up her hand to shake hands or high five, turn pages of a book to order, point to some objects when asked (a bit hit and miss this), blow raspberries, babble and sing and scream, feed herself with finger foods, take her weight on her feet and participate enthusiastically in games of peekaboo. No sign yet of crawling, and despite my early excitement a few weeks ago, no readily recognizable words, though lots of approximations of "dada" and "mama", but mostly without meaning still I'm afraid to say.

In some ways, sharing books with Jessicat is more difficult than it used to be, as she is impatient to turn the pages, and nearly always wants to take charge, which means it is difficult to follow any kind of narrative. But, interestingly, when sat on the floor surrounded by toys, she nearly always makes a beeline for one of her board books, amusing herself by turning the pages and fingering the spine or "kissing" pictures of other babies.

I've spent this week listening to The Crane Wife by the Decemberists. I wouldn't normally go for this kind of folk-rock, but the strong melodies and lyrics of this band have captivated me. TV wise, I've watched The Taming of the Shrew from the BBC Shakespeare Re-Told series (I love them!) and I'm reading a collection of Boris Johnson's newspaper columns. Been a bit off colour this week, so I am definitely ready for a weekend with Dave and Jess!

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

New books on the go

Some more new experiences for Jessicat this week: we took her to the City of Bristol Museum at the top of Park Street (great play area for little ones and she was very excited by the fish!) and for a browse round Border's bookshop (I will never forget the few happy hours I spent browsing in there oblivious to the fact I was in early labour).

Our latest crop of books from the library include:

That's Not My Bear - F Watts
Playtime Peekaboo - from the Dorling Kindersley stable
I Spy You - Jan Ormerod (raises a smile this one, just as Jan Oremerod's other book did)
Touch and Feel Fluffy Kitten - Rod Campbell
Lullaby Baby - from the Amazing Baby series.

Had Jessicat weighed last week. She is now 22lbs (and doesn't my back know it!) and is on the 91st percentile for weight and height - perfect. Going to be a strapping lass like her mummy!

Friday, 3 August 2007

We love Rod Campbell!

My Presents is Jessicat's favourite book of the moment; nothing else comes near. She gets excited as I pause before lifting the flap to reveal the toy, and heavy handedly attempts to open them herself. Fortunately, they are made of cardboard, so able to withstand Jess's loving ministrations.

Other books currently on the go include:

Sing Along with Spot - Eric Hill
Mr Bear Says I love You - Debi Gliori (so far, Jessicat is not the biggest fan of the Mr Bear series, but both of us loved the compilation of nursery rhymes illustrated by Ms Gliori)
Feely Bugs - David A Carter. Great textures!
That's Not My Kitten - F Watt
Spot's Playbook - Eric Hill. We have been lucky enough to find a brand new copy of this in the Central library. I love the sensual pleasure to be gained from handling and smelling new books (is that weird?)

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

August is here

A couple of new events for Jessicat over the last week. Last Sunday, she attended a birthday party for the first time ever; her friend, Gracie, from Stay and Play was 1. Jess enjoyed a short time in the ball pool and loved playing with Gracie's musical toys. It was a joy to see her enjoying herself; I am still haunted by memories of her early days when she was so unsettled in anyone else's house.

Today, Jessicat and I caught a bus together (another first!) to attend the singing session held at the Central library. This is a fabulous library for children, with a separate play area and extensive collection of board books. We will be going back! It was exciting for Jess and me to be in town together, as there is so much to look at. We popped into the cathedral, stopped to look at the fountains in the centre, and Jessicat was admired by lots of passers by (proud mummy emoticon).

Books - of course - continue to be a major source of entertainment and enjoyment for Jessicat. She still loves me to lie beside her on the floor at 4pm for a daily book session as a precursor to her tea. At the moment, Jess loves to turn pages, and often does not even want to wait until I have finished the page before moving on. She is becoming increasingly fascinated with books as objects, mouthing them, poking them, and studying the shape of them closely. I can forsee that chunky board books and "feely" books will be a major part of our repetoire for some time to come.

Friday, 27 July 2007

Quiet Times

All is quiet both in this blog and in our lives generally. Many of our activities have stopped because of the summer holidays (don't people realise that babies need entertaining too?) I would love to be able to report that Jessicat is doing lots of exciting new things, but instead, we are going through a period of consolidating existing skills. Still, we did manage to attend our first Rhymetime for about a month today, and Jess still enjoys singing and rhymes as much as ever.

Some of our books this week include:

Amazing Animals - Dr Seuss. I can see Dr Seuss books becoming even more popular now children are taught to read using phonics.
All Fall Down - Helen Oxenbury.
Play With Spot -Eric Hill.
That's Not My Tractor. Fiona Watts. We are slowly getting through the whole series, which Jessicat loves.
Playtime with Woof - Caroline Jayne Church. A new discovery, this, and another touchy-feely book, this time with a simple rhyme. Another series that Jessicat and I will want to complete.
Hippety-hop, Hippety-hay -collection of rhymes for children under 3, edited by Opal Dunn and Sally Anne Lambert. I have been looking for a collection of rhymes that I can share with Jessicat, as I can't wait to share my love of poetry with her. We both love nursery rhymes, but hopefully this book will enable us to expand our repetoire of poetry for very young children.

In the library this morning, Jess was rolling on the floor chewing bits of jigsaw as I was browsing, when I overheard a mother saying to her (approximately) 12 year old son:
"Only choose one book mind. And nothing too thick otherwise it will take us too long to get through." And we wonder why some kids today struggle with the basics so much.

I am reading John Tusa's "Art Matters" at the moment. Plenty of food for thought here, especially at the moment, as in Bristol the Old Vic is temporarily closed, Wildwalk and Imax have gone and even populist theatres like the Hippodrome struggle to sell out. Music wise, I'm looking for some new stuff to get into. I've been advised to try the Decemberists and Bellowhead, so my order has gone in, and I will report back soon.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Some summer reading.

Our new books for this week are:

My Presents - Rod Campbell. Similar format to Dear Zoo and one that Jessicat already seems to appreciate.

Come Here, Cleo! - Caroline Mockford. Our first encounter with Cleo, from the Barefoot Books stable. I like her, and will look out more books from this series.

One Gorgeous Baby - Martine Oborne. A counting book, with a sweet message. Have only read this to Jess once so far, so a bit early to gauge her reaction yet.

Boo Barney - Alex Ayliffe. The final page features Boo giving his teddy a goodnight kiss, and I can make Jessicat smile by giving her a resounding "mwah" on her cheek at this point!

My own reading - I have just started Engleby by Sebastian Faulks. It's much funnier than I expected it to be - but I have a feeling it is going to get nasty. Just why is he ashamed to think about his little sister? I'm only a couple of chapters in, and I'm already hooked. After a nice drink at Bocabar yesterday (what a civilised place, and I recommend the patatas bravas), Dave and I watched The Night of the Demon on DVD. I love the elegance and formality of these 1950s film, but I was a bit distracted by the rather obviously fake wild cat. Great to watch another film; in fact, a pretty nice day all round.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

First words???? (Mummy hops on spot impatiently....)

Jessicat is still waving at people, and is showing signs of perfecting this skill by attempting it with her other hand or when sat down. But, more excitingly, I think we may have our first word! This morning, when Dave was leaving for work and saying "bye bye Jess", she replied "ba ba", and did it again later when I prompted her. Now, I know this could just be coincidence, but I'm hoping it's the start of many a conversation between us. Will keep the blog updated on this.

But to balance this with some not so good news, Jessicat is becoming increasingly fussy about taking her milk. I'm concerned that maybe I'm filling her up too much with solids, so will discuss this with the health visitor. It's good that she enjoys solids though, and courtesy of Heinz's Global Tots range, has even tried her first curry today.

Continuing this theme of firsts, today Jessicat completed her first ever Bookstart Crawl challenge, and has been awarded a certificate, and a free book, Pooky Penguin (author unknown). The certificate takes pride of place in her Stay and Play scrapbook, and I am looking forward to us sharing a new book together.

Monday, 16 July 2007

Jessicat's first holiday

Last week, we went to North Wales with Jessicat's Granny and Grandad for her first ever holiday. In spite of rain and Jessicat's teething (upper two front teeth are now making an appearance), we had a lovely time. She was excited by the donkeys and Llandudno beach, and was thoroughly spoilt by her grandparents, acquiring some new outfits and a lovely knitted dolly whom we have christened Beatrice (carrying on with the theme of toys' names being inspired by Shakespearean characters - who said kids are dumbed down these days?!?!)

We have come home to more dubious weather (oh I love it and what an improvement on last summer), and some cracking reads.

Sparkly Day - Helen Stephens. Have now read and enjoyed this whole series together.
Everyone Hide From Wibbly Pig - Mick Inkpen. Jess really enjoys this book, but I have to protect the delicate flaps from marauding little hands.
Cow Moos - Stephen Barker. Jessicat loves trying to do the actions herself. Unfortunately, all the books we have read so far in this series have come from the library and been in poor condition, often heavily sellotaped or torn, which does reduce enjoyment somewhat.
Colours - author unknown, from the Bright Baby series.
That's Not My Dragon - Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells. This is our favourite book yet from this wonderful series. We are going to order all of them from the library! Even more excitingly, Jessicat is now showing signs of being able to point to the little mouse hidden on each page when asked. Her comprehension seems to be really coming on each month.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Where's the summer weather gone?

I have to confess that I am probably one of the only people in England currently enjoying this damp - and for July - cool weather. My hayfever is much improved and it's bliss being able to sleep comfortably at night time. Long may it continue....

This week's selection includes:

Wee Willie Winkie and Other Nursery Rhymes - Iona Opie and Rosemary Wells. Good, pocket size collection of rhymes, with a few less popular ones included. This would be ideal for carrying around in my bag to whip out during the checkout queue.

Mummy and Me - from the Baby Einstein series

Spot Visits His Grandparents - Eric Hill. I like the sheer unfussiness of the print in Eric Hill's books; Jessicat's eye can focus on the words without any distraction of colours and illustrations.

Little Duckling - Nicola Smee. A short and sweet little tale, and one that tempts me to look out the other books in this series.

What else to report? Well, Jessicat has already seen off her first Prime Minister, as Gordon Brown was anointed this week. When in her baby walker, she is discovering how to open drawers and get into places; Dave and I need to baby proof the house quite soon, I think.

I am re-reading Donna Tartt's The Secret History. I'd forgotten how amazing this book was, as it's 14 years since I last read it! It manages to be an erudite, elegantly written and rather chilling page turner. I want more books like this!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Summer Reading

And on the go this week, we have:

That's Not My Puppy - Fiona Watt (I can see us reading the whole of this series, as Jessicat is still enjoying books with different textures)
Bedtime for Bunny and Bee - Sam Williams
Pickle and the Blanket - Lynn Breeze (the Pickle books are a new find for us. Jess loves the one about Pickle and his ball).
Peekaboo Baby - a Rhyming Flap Book - illustrated by Kate Merritt
Hat Off, Baby - Jan Ormerod. A very simple book, and one that at first I thought would not appeal to Jessicat - how wrong could I be? Jan Ormerod can do no wrong where Jess is concerned!
Can You Choo Choo Too? - David Wojtowycz

Jessicat can now wave and is desperately trying to crawl; it is so funny to see her with her bum stuck up in the air, going nowhere!

I have just read Can Any Mother Help Me? and was moved by how these brave and intelligent women supported each other through the war and some very difficult times. It was an early precursor to , and makes me realise that despite all our technical innovations and new theories on child rearing, very little has changed really.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Good magazines

Have managed to track down a couple of magazines devoted to the subject of children's literature: Carousel and Books for Keeps. Both of them contain a lot of useful information about how children learn to read, and more importantly, lots of reviews of recently published good books. This is especially useful at the moment as I am compiling a wishlist of books for Jessicat and me to share over the coming months.

Have also managed to create a page on myspace (does my technical genius know no bounds?!?), where I hope to be able to make more contact with people who share my enthusiasm for children's books.

Other than that, not too much to report. Jess can finally roll over both ways, and is now trying to crawl, but with no success so far. Still only two teeth, although to judge by the dribbling and biting, more may be imminent. She continues to persevere with lumpy food, and enjoys tit bits of our plates now.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Stressful week

Not a great week. Jessicat has had diarrhoea and a painful nappy rash. She is now recovering slowly, but it has been upsetting to see her in discomfort. And to add to our woes, yesterday, I had my handbag snatched in Tesco's car park. That has led to much frantic phoning round to cancel and replace essential cards and items. It's all things that can be replaced, with the possible exeption of my diary, where I had recorded so many pivotal moments of Jess's first year.

Still, on the upside, we finally caught the mouse last night. No more unwelcome guests here! As Dave said, with the snap of the trap, and on the B of the Bang, our luck changed....

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Lots going on...

I've suscribed to Carousel magazine, which is the only magazine I know of that is devoted to children's literature. I found out about it by browsing the website of The Federation of Children's Book Groups. I would love to work for them! Whilst surfing, I also came across the I Can website. I Can is a charity that works on behalf of children with communication difficulties - a worthy cause if ever I heard one - and they produce some very interesting DVDs on how children acquire language skills and how the adults in their lives can support their developing communication skills. Dave and I watched one last night, and I found it fascinating. Wonder how many people know these are available for free (well, 99p P&P).

Some of our reads this week include:

I Kissed the Baby - Mary Murphy (makes Jessicat laugh)
We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Michael Rosen (ok, I know that Jess is a bit young to follow the story, but what better way to celebrate Mr Rosen becoming the new children's laureate?)
Goodnight Poppy Cat - Lara Jones
Dear Zoo - Rod Campbell (we are long overdue in acquainting ourselves with this children's classic).

Jessicat continues to do well. She is now venturing into lumpy food, so a typical day's eating goes something like this:

Breakfast - up to half a weetabix, followed by half a Frutapura
Lunch - something savoury and lumpy
Tea - something savoury, but less lumpy (mutual tiredness at this time of day means I take the path of least resistance - slummy mummy!), a yoghurt, followed by a rusk to practice self-feeding skills.

Jess continues to babble, gurgle and is now showing promising signs of being able to roll both ways. Life is so much better now than it was when she was a newborn; long may it continue.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

More books...

Yesterday, Jessicat and I visited Filwood library and found they had a great selection of board books for babies. These are some of the ones we chose:

Good Night, Spot - Eric Hill
Night, Night Baby (from the Amazing Baby series)
Bard's Rhyme Time - Julie Aigner-Clark (I have to confess that up to now, I have not been the biggest fan of Baby Einstein products, as I don't like the idea of pressuring babies to develop intellectually or academically before they are ready, but Jess appears to like this book, and the rhymes are fun).
This Little Baby - author not stated. You just can't have too many surprise mirror endings as far as Jessicat is concerned!

I'm about to start The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, which I have heard great things about, and have high hopes for. Have just finished and enjoyed Young Wives' Tales by Adele Parks.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Summer is here...

I know that summer has really arrived when I need to crack open the Piriton, accompanied with a cool Zirtec chaser. Mmm....I'm not the biggest fan of summer.

However, it does offer the chance to savour life on our new patio, and Jessicat and me have been taking full advantage of this. Yesterday, we were outside and I was singing nursery rhymes (fortunately, all the neighbours were out), and reading Baby Goz by Steven Weatherill and a book from Rod Campbell's Look, Touch and Feel series. Jess loves being outside, and is amazed by the rustling leaves and ever changing sky.

Today we went to our first Baby Bounce and Rhyme at Wick Road library. Seeing how much Jess enjoys my singing(!) and nursery rhymes in general, I have become a vociferous advocate of the importance of rhymes for even the youngest babies. It's amazing how easy it is to learn them off by part - I guess the repetition and rhyme helps here - so that they can be recited at any time throughout the day.

Annoyingly, only limited progress on the rolling front. Jessicat can roll from front to back, but still seems to like a helping hand from Mummy or Daddy. Her second tooth is also coming through.

Friday, 1 June 2007

New month, new books...

To coin a phrase from The Fast Show, this week we have been mostly reading:

Debi Gliori's Nursery Rhymes - with CD. I love the old fashioned rhymes included in this anthology, and the little facts that accompany most of the rhymes. The illustrations are great as well. I tend not to bother with the CD, as Jess would rather hear my voice (strange child!)

Peepo - Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Jessicat's introduction to these classic children's writers! Sadly, at the moment, she is too young to notice all the carefully crafted details that go into each picture, but it is lovely for me to read to her, as it makes me think of my grandparents' house and the good times we shared when I was a baby. One to revisit when Jess is older, methinks.

Wobble Bear Says Yellow - Ian Whybrow and Caroline Jayne Church. I love this cheeky toddler bear!

Messy Dressy - Helen Stephens.

It's Heaven Having You - Giles Andreae and Vanessa Cabban. Lovely rhyme with touching sentiment.

Elmer's Hide and Seek - David McKee

Ladybird Baby Touch Peekaboo Book - Jessicat is still at the stage where she loves to touch everything and she is fascinated by the different textures here.

I am really enjoying having Dave at home this week as well. We are getting better and more organized at going out; Jess has been to Bath and Broadmead for the first time ever this week. Frustratingly, she can still only roll one way - I CAN'T WAIT TILL SHE CAN ROLL BOTH WAYS!!!

Friday, 25 May 2007

Busy Lives

This is now a typical week for Jessicat, aged 6 months and 1 week:

Monday - am - see Sarah and Sean. He is still her favourite boyfriend, little minx!
pm - Stay and Play

Tuesday - Could be Baby Bounce and Rhyme at Keynsham library, or a meeting with Nanny, or a trip to feed the ducks. At the moment, this is most likely to be our free day.

Wednesday - Mornings are free; afternoons are devoted to Storytime at Wick Road library. A story, a craft activity and some singing, all for free. Libraries are fantastic!

Thursday - as of yesterday, Jessicat now goes to Jolly Babies, a music and playing class for the under 1s. In my opinion, not as good as Rhymetime, but still fun, and Jess loves the bubbles! I also enjoy having a chance to go to a different library and look round the shops at Broadwalk.

Friday - Rhymetime, followed by a trip to the library to choose our new books. Afternoons usually consist of a trip to the supermarket, to stock up with goodies for Dave and me for the weekend.

Back to the subject of children's books. I'm thinking of compiling a list of the top ten books that no baby should be without, based on my extensive experience of reading to Jess over the last 6 months. The list will comprise books that fit the following criteria:

1) Enjoyable for the baby - absolutely imperative
2) Bold, eye catching illustrations
3) Interesting text to read, preferably rhyming
4) Bearable to adults to read again and again
5) Make us want to explore more by that author

Watch this space. If you are a visitor to my blog, please leave any recommendations; I make a point of following up every comment or tip. Thank you.

Friday, 18 May 2007

Massive collection of new books

Ok, what have we got this week?

Hip Hip Hooray Helen Stephens
I Like Colours Barbara Jean Hicks
Peek-a-boo Jan Ormerod
Maisy Likes Playing Lucy Cousins
Shiny Seaside Helen Stephens
When I was a baby Deborah Niland
Where's Spot? Eric Hill
My Ladybird First Rhymes
Drift Upon a Dream - Poems for Sleepy Babies John Foster and Melanie Williamson

Plenty here for Jessicat and me to get our teeth into. This morning, I stumbled upon the website for Red House books. I am so tempted to go shopping, and given we are now down to one wage, this would be a bad idea. Common sense tells me we can get a fantastic range of books from our local library, but I know how lovely it is to have new books to hold, smell and savour. Will have a think over the weekend and decide if the purse strings can stretch to something that Jessicat might like to keep.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

6 months and still surviving....

Yesterday Jessicat was 6 months old! Weirdly, she not only seems to be surviving my care, but actually thriving! Don't know if I could say the same for me and Dave though. Yesterday, Jess and I attended our first ever library storytime, and made a paper crocodile. I'm so pleased that we can attend events like this now with Jessicat and that she actually enjoys them. Today we are getting ready for Joan and Bernard's visit.

My reading adventures: What Mother's Do by Naomi Stadlen, and How to be Right by James Delinpole.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Progress update

Jessicat is cutting her first tooth: lower incisor! This might explain why she is hard to settle to sleep at the moment; I'm hoping this phase will pass quickly. Still not much progress with rolling from front to back. Strangely, all the books say that this should be easier for babies than rolling back to front. Hmmm...Jess clearly hasn't read the books! (Reminds me of how I used to read that newborns typically sleep for 16 hours plus a day. Yeah, right.)

Jess's favourite books this week are Emily Bolam's Peepo series. She actually anticipates the mirror ending, and begins giggling as soon as we reach the final page. Jessicat is really enjoying basic games of "boo" and "peepo" at the moment, so these books echo her interest, and luckily, we have been able to obtain the whole series from our library. When I give Jess her bottle, I am enjoying reading poems and nursery rhymes to her; it's funny how quickly you seem to memorise them.

On a serious note, like all parents, my heart and prayers go out to the parents of Madeleine McCann, let us hope for good news soon.

Friday, 11 May 2007

What about TV?

Bit of a dilemma for me, this one. I enjoy watching a small amount myself (current favourites are Casualty, Peep Show, Have I Got News for You) and am not in favour generally of a blanket ban on things, as I think this can actually have the opposite effect to that intended. But, but...I've read plenty of articles indicating that TV is bad for babies, and can create an environment where obesity, academic underachievement and aggression can flourish. So what to allow Jessicat to do?

Well, I've decided to opt for the middle ground, and set a few rules for her. A small amount ie 20 minutes or so, in front of Baby TV to allow me to get some housework done is deemed ok. Jess does seem a bit mesmerized by it, and sometimes I need the breathing space to catch up with chores. But, no TV on in the background all day - we are usually too busy doing other things anyway - , no unsuitable TV that is aimed at adults or older children, and absolutely no TV in the bedroom. Ever. End of.

This week's reading includes:
Wee Willie Winkie and other nursery rhymes (illustrations by Lucy Cousins)
Maisy's Bedtime - Lucy Cousins (Jessicat loves the bold and colourful illustrations, and there just the right amount of text for a young baby)
The Gingerbread Man - a Ladybird Touch and Feel book
Spot Goes to the Park - Eric Hill (again, bold and clear pictures for young ones)
Wobble Bear - Ian Whybrow and Caroline Jayne Church (I love the rhymes)

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Enjoying our books...

We had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Jessicat is now the proud owner of a luminous pink stroller, which means more freedom to get around in the car, as it fits easily into the boot. We also bought her some blocks with letters and pictures on them. I would like to report that this led to an instructive and educational afternoon for Jessicat, but alas, Dave and I were mildly drunk and used them instead to see what swear words we could make. It's not big and it's not clever....

All three of us have spent lots of time reading. My latest book is The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory, who is one of my favourite writers, and with whom I must credit any knowledge at all I can claim about Tudor history. Dave is well into his Harlan Coben. As for Jess's books, well, she is continuing to love her textured board books, and we have ordered a load more by Emily Bolam and Helen Stephens to satisfy her obsessi0n. My love affair with the latest Divine Comedy and Amy Winehouse albums also continues apace; what a culture vulture I am!?!!

Friday, 4 May 2007

It's Friday so it must be new books day!

Usual trip to library after Rhymetime to choose some new reading matter to keep Jessicat and me going over the Bank Holiday weekend. What have we got?

Eat Up Dudley - David Wojtowycz
Twinkly Night - Helen Stephens
Who Are You? Stella Blackstone and Debbie Harter
Tickle Tickle - Helen Oxenbury
Boom, Baby, Boom, Boom - Margaret Mahy
Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones - Claire Freedman

A pretty varied selection here I think. Over the last couple of days, Jess has really enjoyed Peekaboo Jungle (Emily Bolam) and Funny Sunny Garden (Helen Stephens). She loves to feel different textures with a clumsy, open, starfish type hand, and it's lovely to be able to point to the bit on the page and see her place her open palm over it. Books with mirrors are also coming into their own at the moment, as this always makes her smile. And, as always, we have our nursery rhymes and songs to keep us entertained in checkout queues and other dull moments. I don't care if we attract funny looks from the other shoppers; I bet they just want to listen in...

Still no luck on rolling front to back, which is frustrating. But Jessicat is starting to babble, a new development as of today. So exciting to think that this is the precursor of proper speech.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Please say hello...

Looking at the site monitor, I see the blog is getting a few more visitors than I expected, including some international ones! Please leave a comment to say hello, make a comment or recommend a book for Jessicat (or us!) I'm always on the look out for new books to read with Jess, and would particularly love to hear from more writers, illustrators etc.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Barefoot Books

Dave took Jessicat to the library last week and chose 2 books from the Barefoot range, There's a Cow in the Cabbage Patch (Clare Beaton) and Where's the Cat? (Stella Blackstone and Debbie Harter). These are both board books with bright, arresting pictures, and I like the idea of a book company that celebrates art and story and the sheer variousness of things (what's that Louis McNeice poem; is it Snow?) Yesterday, at Stay and Play, I picked up The Very Hungry Caterpillar for Jessicat. Nice book - but I can't help being put off it by knowing that this is Dubya's favourite book ever. Hmmm...............

Jessicat continues to do more interesting things. This week she has discovered she can roll from her back onto her tummy. Great - the only problem is, she can't roll back, then gets extremely frustrated, so Dave and I are up and down to keep turning her back. Sarah was kind enough to lend us a high chair, so as of yesterday, Jess now sits with us at the table for meals.

As for my own reading, well, the illnesses of the last week have meant that I'm yearning for a comfort, familiar read. So, hello Monday's Child by Louise Bagshawe, a great read for times like this.

Friday, 27 April 2007


Free books for babies - what a fantastic idea! I love the little bag of free books that Jessicat and I were able to pick up from the library. I wish there were more; she doesn't qualify for the next set until she is 15 months old. Thank God for libraries in the interim, or we would have to re-mortgage the house!

I am pleased to report that normality is slowly returning after our week of illnesses. My reading at the moment is The Faber Book of Love Verse and Sarah Bilston's Bed Rest (which I wouldn't mind a bit more of after Jess's poor sleeping over the last few nights!)

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

The view from my sick bed...

Oh dear, what an awful week. Dave and I have succumbed to a nasty tummy bug that has left us feeling miserable and tired. Jessicat remains healthy; fingers crossed that she somehow escapes. So reading opportunities have been a bit thin on the ground this week for us all. But I did want to mention how one book we discovered in our libary: Hand Rhymes (collected and illustrated by Marc Brown). These are particularly good for Jess as they satisfy her current yen for rhymes and being able to watch Mummy's fingers moving at the same time...

At our Stay and Play session on Monday, the parents are encouraged to choose a book from a selection to read with the babies at home. Hurrah, more books to choose from! Our first selection is a little board book called There was an old lady who swallowed a fly; a classic kid's poem that I remember from my old childhood. Monday's at the Children's Centre now see us following a curriculum called PEEPs (can't remember what the anocronym stands for), but I know it's about encouraging parents in their role as their child's first educators. I'm excited to be part of this, with maybe just a slight feeling of concern; Jessicat is 5 months old - surely she can just kind of hang out a bit at this age? She's got the rest of her life to follow a curriculum! Anyway, the first session was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

A nice week so far

On Monday, Jessicat and I saw Sarah and Sean. Jess is fascinated by Sean and can't take her eyes off him. Yesterday, Jessicat's Nanny came to spend the day with us, and we had a lovely time.

Dave and I continue to enjoy our reading to Jess, although some more adult material sometimes creeps in to keep our interest levels high. For example, on the go at the moment is The Faber Book of Nursery Verse; no pictures and verse and rhymes that appeal primarily to older and probably literate children. However, we try to inject some silliness and musicality into our readings so that Jess enjoy it.

As for my reading adventures, well, I've started Thinly Disguised Autobiograhpy by James Delingpole, and so far, am finding it very funny.

(Happy Birthday Steve if you're reading this!)

Sunday, 15 April 2007

This week's reading is....

Oh wow, I notice we have got a comment from Barbara Jean Hicks, whose book we have read to Jessicat. Amazing to think that someone has looked at our blog, and that they live halfway across the world! Thank you Barbara, we will check out our library for your other books.

This week we are reading:
"My First Oxford Book Of Animal Poems" John Foster (love the poems, even though Jess is a bit too young for them really, and certainly a book to return to when she is a bit older)
"Snail Trail" Ruth Brown
"Bear Snores On" - Karma Wilson - I love this board book. It's got just enough of a story to hold adult interest and the bright, bold pictures really catch Jessicat's eyes. Might have to look for a bit more by this writer.
"Playful Baby" Colin and Jacqui Hawkins - board book with simple rhymes and big bold pictures. Board books are great for Jess at the moment as she is getting to the age where she grabs at things and puts them in her mouth.
"Tickle Tickle Tom" Alex Ayliffe - another board book with actions for me to perform to Jessicat.

I'm also enjoying lots of books at the moment. I'm about to start Judi Dench's "My Life In Pictures", which should be enjoyable. I'm also perusing a Penguin Modern Poets book, and am haunted by James Fenton ("They called the sun dismay, my friend, they called the sun dismay...")

Thursday, 12 April 2007

More reading...

Here's the latest collection of books Jessicat and I got from the local library:

Dressing - Helen Oxenbury. Nice pictures to chat about, but no text - one of my pet hates with board books.

My Many Coloured Days - Dr Seuss. I like Dr Seuss books, but this isn't one of the better ones IMO. The pictures are very impressionistic, and that makes them difficult to talk about to a baby; also, there isn't much text in here either.

My Dreamy Bedtime - from the Baby Einstein collection. A nice new book, but I'm still not convinced of the merits of such educational books for babies. I like the idea of Jessicat and I reading together purely for fun, and the learning happening by accident.

The Incredible Book Eating Boy - Oliver Jeffers. Well, this is a pleasure for me really! I heard about this book from the Richard and Judy show, ordered it from the library to satisfy my curiosity. I love the pictures, and there is just the right amount of text to read to a baby.

Apart from that, not much to report. We are taking advantage of the nice weather by taking Jess for lots of walks in the spring sunshine, sat up in her pram. Weaning continues to go well, with breakfast and lunch now underway. A messy business, but another step closer to independence; a prospect I view with ambivalence. Part of me can't wait to have more of my life back, and part of me doesn't want my little girl to grow up!

Of my reading adventures: well, Tabloid Love is addictive and makes me want to go back to NY!

Monday, 9 April 2007

Easter Updates

Well, Jessicat seemed to go through her immunisations without too much trouble. She has had a lovely first Easter and been thoroughly spoilt by her Granny and Grandad. She is the proud owner of 3 new "books for life" (ie tear and water resistant pages - great idea for rampaging babes!). We have been reading the first of these, Little Rabbit Waits for the Moon, by Beth Shoshan. Jess is a bit young for the story, but I like the fact that she can feel the pages and I don't have to worry about the book being destroyed.

Jessicat now owns her first CD as well: nursery rhymes set to music. Dave and I have already had fun playing this and doing the actions. She seems to love music already; hardly surprising I guess given Dave's background.

This blog also needs to feature Daddy's reading adventures. Dave's book of the moment is The Longest Crawl by Ian Marchant, and Dave will be posting his thoughts in the comment section of this blog.

Today Jessicat is off to see Nanny and Auntie Ali. Tomorrow we need to go to the library, as I am bored of reading the same books over and over to Jess!

A big shout out to Maddie!

Saturday, 7 April 2007

What about Mummy's reading adventures?

Well, Jessicat seems to be ok after her immunisations. We are having a nice Easter weekend, and she is being spoilt by Granny and Grandad. It's giving me plenty of time to catch up on some of my own reading, and if finally looks as if I can tuck into my Christmas books. First up is Tabloid Love by Bridget Harrison. It looks like a Bridget Jones and Sex in the City hybrid - and that is a BIG compliment. I love the sense of anticipation you get when starting a new book; I wonder if Jess will ever feel this as well?

Another first today: we are taking Jess out in pushchair - not pram - set up. She's a nosey (Dave prefers inquisitive) little madam, so I think she will enjoy the opportunity to have a good look around. But a bit of me is also sad that this may signal the end of taking her out in a pram and me being able to chat to her face to face. I wonder if it's true that backward facing prams encourage parents to talk more to their baby and therefore aid language acquisition? Oh well, I think Jessicat is probably sick of the sound of our voices by now!

Thursday, 5 April 2007


At 3.50 today, Jess has got her third set of immunisations. I'm looking forward to this about as much as I would look forward to root canal work, and wish I could have them on her behalf. Still, in all other respects she is thriving. Took her to baby clinic yesterday, and at 20 weeks, she weighs 16lbs 1oz. Good girl!

Today is one of those days just to be got through I think. At least having Jessicat's grandparents down means we have got some company for our post-injection misery. I'm looking forward to a BIG glass of wine and curling up in bed with a good book (my addiction to Caro Fraser novels continues apace).

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Easter holidays

Hurrah, Easter is nearly here!

Jess and I are well supplied with books to see us through the holiday period. On the go we have:
Crazy Colours - a Dr Suess book
Spot Loves His Dad - Eric Hill
Chanting Rhymes - from the First Verses series by John Foster and Carol Thompson
Noisy Poems - collected by Jill Bennett
I Like Black and White - Barbara Jean Hicks and Lila Prap

Dave and I love reading the poems to Jess especially. I'm less sure about the likes of Spot (and Maisie and Poppy Cat). Whilst the pictures are bright and we enjoy talking about them with Jess, these kind of books get boring pretty quickly and they are not the kind of thing you can go back to again and again. Still , they all have their place and variety is the spice of life as they say...

I have been busy today cleaning the house in preparation for a visit from Jessicat's Granny and Grandad. All I need now are some Easter eggs to finish off!

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Nursery Rhymes

My favourite things to read to Jess. She seems to enjoy the rhythms, the repetition and the general silliness of them, and they are much more interesting to read than most board books. The book I'm reading from at the moment is Dean's Gift Book Of Nursery Rhymes, originally published in 1965 and read to me and my sister when we were children. What I love about this book is that the rhymes in it do not reflect modern attitudes or political correctness at all. They also use old-fashioned language; no dumbing down here. These aren't just nursery rhymes or songs - some of these are POEMs. Pet hate number 1 - nursery rhymes that are tampered with to make them acceptable to the PC police eg: Baa Baa Black Sheep being changed to Baa Baa White Sheep. Aaaargh!

Other notable events of today: Dave has mowed the lawn for the first time this year (yes, that time is upon us once again). Jess and I went to "Baby Bounce and Rhyme" at Keynsham library and for a quick walk in the park afterwards. Jess saw ducks for the first time ever and was suitably amused. Must go - have a bowl of pasta with my name on it waiting for me.

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to my blog. I've set it up as a kind of diary to record my daughter Jessica's memorable moments, and hope it will enable me to share them with her family and friends. I'm also passionately interested in children's literature (and all literature) and would like this blog to act as a record of the books that Jess and I read together and what we both think of them. I feel strongly that writing for even the youngest children deserves to be taken seriously and argued and debated about in the same way that books for adults are, and this blog is my attempt to do that. Would be interested in any comments or recommendations that anyone has on the subject of children's books or even child-rearing in general. Please get in touch!