Monday, 8 October 2007

The best of times, the worst of times...

Some good days and some bad days. Jessicat's sleep has been a bit disturbed of late by diarrhoea and rampant teething (looks like a molar is trying to push through), so Dave and I have been feeling tired. But her receptivity to songs and books continues to be a joy. She is beginning to imitate the actions to certain songs (Twinkle, Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus, Wind the Bobbin Up etc) and can manage a few basic gestures. Also, I have noticed that if we see a picture in a book of, say, a pair of specs, or a necklace, or an ear, she will turn round and point to my glasses, necklace or ear. All signs that her comprehension continues to develop fast.

A visit to the Central Library on Saturday (whilst Dave was busy re-painting our kitchen) yielded the following:

I Hear - Helen Oxenbury. Great book for prompting a bit of conversation.

ABC - Sarah Phillips. Jessicat loves to feel the different textures in this book, and is particularly fascinated by the pluckable strings on the violin.

One Little Home - Dubravka Kolanovic. Great pictures in this book, with lots of little details to discuss. I also like the fact the the pictures are not too cluttered, so Jess can immediately see and understand what I am referring to.

Find the Teddy - Claudia Zeff. And she can, I am so proud!

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