Tuesday, 2 October 2007

A week of illnesses...

....for Jessicat and me. She has had a stomach upset (first ever episode of proper vomiting), and I have got a streaming cold. We are now both on the mend, and really enjoying the damp, autumn weather that makes staying indoors and snuggling up with our books so enticing!

Finding books for Jesssicat is challenging at the moment. She has gone past the stage of very first baby books, but is not yet ready for anything other than the simplest of narratives. Books with flaps, mirrors and textures continue to interest her, as do any simple, repetitive stories that feature animals and animal noises.

Some of this week's books:

Bedtime Poems, Moonlight Rhymes - ed by Mary Joslin. This works well as a book to read just before bedtime, and is nice for me, as it features more adult poems, including a great one called Silver by Walter de la Mare, but is really aimed at children 4+.

Happy Birthday, Lulu - Caroline Uff. Jessicat enjoys the Lulu books, and as her first birthday is now approaching, I am taking the opportunity to begin discussing birthdays with her. Another series that I want to share with Jess in its entirety.

What Do You Do? - Mandy Stanley. Love her pictures, and the way the basic text invites participation. Jessicat can't really join in yet, but she giggles when we get to the rocking beetle and I bounce her up and down on my knee.

Ten Stars Twinkle - from the Baby Einstein series. I'm disappointed with this. It's beautifully produced and Jess loves to feel the glittery stars, but the text is uninspired and it's hard to spend long over this book.

Can You Cuddle Like a Koala? - John Butler. We only picked this up from the library yesterday, but as it features lots of beautifully drawn animals, I imagine Jessicat will come to love it (it sometimes takes a few readings now for her to really begin to enjoy a book).

Bear In Sunshine - Stella Blackstone. One thing I love about these books is all the small details in the pictures which lead to lots of conversations and questions about what is going on.

Daisy Says Coo - Jane Simmons. Not sure if Jessicat understands the comedy of a duck saying "coo" rather than "quack", but when she does, I think this will really amuse her!

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