Monday 22 October 2007

Concentration levels gone AWOL

Jessicat is more interested in getting mobile than sitting still and listening to Mummy (or anyone else) reading at the moment. This means that I have to employ every ounce of skill that I have to entice her to stay near enough to me to look at the pictures and listen to me reading. Often, I find that Jess will listen a bit longer if she is stood up leaning against the sofa, or I let her crawl all over me as I continue reading, and encourage her to look/participate during any particularly exciting bits. Obviously, I am looking forward to the day when Jessicat takes her first steps and my back and arms get a bit of a break, but I hope this milestone does not herald the end of our snuggly times together sharing books. I'm determined to find ways of keeping her connection with books strong, and am open to any suggestions about how this can be achieved.

Our books for this week include:

"Pretty Brown Face" - Andrea Davis Pinkney (as a result of reading this, Jessicat can now point to my chin and eyes!)

"Funny Face " - Nicola Smee. We like spotting the little insect or animal on most pages.

"Just Like Mummy" - Cecilia Johannson

"Zebra Clops" - Stephen Barker.


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