Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Seeing grandparents

Had a nice few days with Dot and Brian staying. Jessicat was a bit suspicious at first, but became confident in their presence much more quickly than I expected, though still not really content to sit on their laps for more than a few moments. But she did love the extra games of "peekaboo" and has been spoilt with advance birthday presents and some new clothes. Thankfully, she did sleep well for the duration of their stay; long may this continue.

Jessicat was 11 months yesterday, so I think it is ok to officially be excited about her first birthday now! The invitations are issued and some of the party food is already in the cupboard.

For posterity, I will record some of Jess's favourite things:

Reading with Mummy and Daddy (obviously)
games of peekaboo
Crawling from one side of the room to another to give us a kiss (altogether now - aaah!)
snacking on our food
"In the Night Garden"
Seeing the car boot being opened (!)
Anyone dropping anything and inadvertently swearing (this can lead to convulsions of laughter)
Petits Filous and biscuits
Being asked to point to objects she can readily identify, such as the moon, lights, noses, ears etc.
Successfully imitating actions to certain well known songs and rhymes.

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