Wednesday, 5 September 2007

New books for September

On the go this month, we have:

Where is Maisy's Panda? - Lucy Cousins. I actually prefer this to Where's Spot?
Wibbly Pig Can Make A Tent - Mick Inkpen
Find the Puppy - illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly Jessicat picked up the concept of this book; after just one or two readings, she was able to spot the well-disguised puppy.
The Runaway Train - a Ladybird touch and sing book
Touch and Feel Pets
Jack and Jill and other nursery rhymes - illustrated by Lucy Cousins.

Jessicat continues to grow and do new things. When we blow bubbles during her bath time, she often tries to imitate us in saying "pop". I think she also attempts to say "balloon", though the sound is not clear, so it is hard to be certain. Jess can say "dada" and "mama", but it is very difficult to know if this is said with meaning, even though she can point to Dave or me when asked to.

Her inability to crawl continues to frustrate her. She can move from a sitting position onto all fours, but then gets stuck. Jessicat is not yet pulling herself up. She does appear to have adjusted to the new nap regime, and - touch wood - continues to sleep well, though still waking before 6.30am.

All our activities have started again this week. We are going back to Stay and Play, and library singing sessions, but have abandoned Jolly Babies, as this happens too near to Jessicat's nap time to be viable. We are joining Sing and Sign in Emerson's Green at the end of the month, and I am excited about that.

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