Thursday, 12 April 2007

More reading...

Here's the latest collection of books Jessicat and I got from the local library:

Dressing - Helen Oxenbury. Nice pictures to chat about, but no text - one of my pet hates with board books.

My Many Coloured Days - Dr Seuss. I like Dr Seuss books, but this isn't one of the better ones IMO. The pictures are very impressionistic, and that makes them difficult to talk about to a baby; also, there isn't much text in here either.

My Dreamy Bedtime - from the Baby Einstein collection. A nice new book, but I'm still not convinced of the merits of such educational books for babies. I like the idea of Jessicat and I reading together purely for fun, and the learning happening by accident.

The Incredible Book Eating Boy - Oliver Jeffers. Well, this is a pleasure for me really! I heard about this book from the Richard and Judy show, ordered it from the library to satisfy my curiosity. I love the pictures, and there is just the right amount of text to read to a baby.

Apart from that, not much to report. We are taking advantage of the nice weather by taking Jess for lots of walks in the spring sunshine, sat up in her pram. Weaning continues to go well, with breakfast and lunch now underway. A messy business, but another step closer to independence; a prospect I view with ambivalence. Part of me can't wait to have more of my life back, and part of me doesn't want my little girl to grow up!

Of my reading adventures: well, Tabloid Love is addictive and makes me want to go back to NY!

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