Saturday, 7 April 2007

What about Mummy's reading adventures?

Well, Jessicat seems to be ok after her immunisations. We are having a nice Easter weekend, and she is being spoilt by Granny and Grandad. It's giving me plenty of time to catch up on some of my own reading, and if finally looks as if I can tuck into my Christmas books. First up is Tabloid Love by Bridget Harrison. It looks like a Bridget Jones and Sex in the City hybrid - and that is a BIG compliment. I love the sense of anticipation you get when starting a new book; I wonder if Jess will ever feel this as well?

Another first today: we are taking Jess out in pushchair - not pram - set up. She's a nosey (Dave prefers inquisitive) little madam, so I think she will enjoy the opportunity to have a good look around. But a bit of me is also sad that this may signal the end of taking her out in a pram and me being able to chat to her face to face. I wonder if it's true that backward facing prams encourage parents to talk more to their baby and therefore aid language acquisition? Oh well, I think Jessicat is probably sick of the sound of our voices by now!

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