Friday 24 August 2007

Tired Mummy alert

On Wednesday night, Jessicat decided that she most definitely was NOT ready for bed at 6.45pm, and let us know by screaming for over half an hour. Yikes! Shattered nerves all round and nervous consulting of books ensued. I've come to the sorry conclusion that the halcyon days of 2 daytime naps are now over, so Jess will be having a lunchtime sleep only.

On the plus side, Jessicat can now clap (she seems to be learning something new almost daily at the moment). More posts later on our late summer reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In addition to the comment made by Val I would point out that it wasn't just the screaming that caused the nervous reaction but the fact that whenever Jess went into light sleep she whimpered or cried. She settled herself but we were wide awake!

She was much better last night after only one nap in the day. Sometimes it's difficult to read the signs no matter how tuned in you are to your babies' moods.

I have been really impressed by the increased use of the hands this week. We now are able to shake hands, high-five and clap together. These new abilities have prompted Val to seriously consider taking Jess to a 'sing and sign' class.
She is now at the stage where she could get something from these classes and any improvement in communication between parents and child are to be supported.

On a more personal note...the bank holiday is nearly here...3 days off work! Hoorah!