Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Where's the summer weather gone?

I have to confess that I am probably one of the only people in England currently enjoying this damp - and for July - cool weather. My hayfever is much improved and it's bliss being able to sleep comfortably at night time. Long may it continue....

This week's selection includes:

Wee Willie Winkie and Other Nursery Rhymes - Iona Opie and Rosemary Wells. Good, pocket size collection of rhymes, with a few less popular ones included. This would be ideal for carrying around in my bag to whip out during the checkout queue.

Mummy and Me - from the Baby Einstein series

Spot Visits His Grandparents - Eric Hill. I like the sheer unfussiness of the print in Eric Hill's books; Jessicat's eye can focus on the words without any distraction of colours and illustrations.

Little Duckling - Nicola Smee. A short and sweet little tale, and one that tempts me to look out the other books in this series.

What else to report? Well, Jessicat has already seen off her first Prime Minister, as Gordon Brown was anointed this week. When in her baby walker, she is discovering how to open drawers and get into places; Dave and I need to baby proof the house quite soon, I think.

I am re-reading Donna Tartt's The Secret History. I'd forgotten how amazing this book was, as it's 14 years since I last read it! It manages to be an erudite, elegantly written and rather chilling page turner. I want more books like this!

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