Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Barefoot Books


Dave took Jessicat to the library last week and chose 2 books from the Barefoot range, There's a Cow in the Cabbage Patch (Clare Beaton) and Where's the Cat? (Stella Blackstone and Debbie Harter). These are both board books with bright, arresting pictures, and I like the idea of a book company that celebrates art and story and the sheer variousness of things (what's that Louis McNeice poem; is it Snow?) Yesterday, at Stay and Play, I picked up The Very Hungry Caterpillar for Jessicat. Nice book - but I can't help being put off it by knowing that this is Dubya's favourite book ever. Hmmm...............

Jessicat continues to do more interesting things. This week she has discovered she can roll from her back onto her tummy. Great - the only problem is, she can't roll back, then gets extremely frustrated, so Dave and I are up and down to keep turning her back. Sarah was kind enough to lend us a high chair, so as of yesterday, Jess now sits with us at the table for meals.

As for my own reading, well, the illnesses of the last week have meant that I'm yearning for a comfort, familiar read. So, hello Monday's Child by Louise Bagshawe, a great read for times like this.

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