Friday, 3 October 2008

An eventful month

Jessicat enjoyed our holiday in Weymouth this year. She liked walking round the harbour to look at the boats, the seagulls and the bridge, and she was fascinated by the sand on the beach, though not interested or brave enough to venture dipping a toe in.

We have started our Kindermusik classes, and they are going well so far. I still think Jess likes going on the bus and wandering around Bath spotting the painted pigs best though!

Some of our reads this month are:

Tractors - Felicity Brooks. From Usborne. I do like the fact that although this book is nominally about tractors, there's a lot more interesting things to look at and discuss under the flaps.

Buster Gets Dressed - Rod Campbell.

Elephant Small and the Splashy Bath - Sally Grindley.

Animals Aboard - Andrew Peters.

I'm Not Scared - Jonathen Allen. Sequel to I'm Not Cute.

It's Time to Sleep, you crazy sheep - Alison Ritchie. Great book. Lovely, rollicking rhyme and bright pictures of sheep doing daft things.

Tell Me About the Building Site - author unknown. A non-fiction book from Ladybird. Jessica is strangely fascinated by builder's tools, so this hits the spot nicely.

Jessica has developed a love of playing with little matchbox cars (particularly parking them and making them rescue broken down cars) and her fairy cottage (she instructs the fairies in a variety of activities, such as jumping, going to sleep, making a cup of coffee etc). She is beginning to show some - limited - signs of being able to play independently, and in the mornings, now ventures downstairs on her own to play with her toys whilst we are getting dressed.

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Jessicat is 21 months old...

...and such a full on toddler now. As I may have mentioned in previous posts, the daytime nap is showing alarming signs of disappearing altogether, and is down to an hour or so tops. Yikes! Other areas of development are more pleasing. Jess loves to sit in her booster seat at the dining table rather than her highchair, and has enjoyed making the transition from babygros to pyjamas at night time.

Thank God all our classes and groups have now started again; there is only so much trawling round supermarkets and parks I can take before I expire through boredom. Bath is becoming a new haunt of ours; we have discovered the egg cafe (I can't wait until I can take Jessicat to the theatre properly) and have signed up for Kindermusik classes on Mondays. You never know how she will take to a new activity, but I felt we needed something to do with our day in addition to St Luke's Toddler Group.

Autumn has really come early this year, with lots of rain and nights dark by 8pm if not earlier. I am probably the only person in England who appreciates it, but it's great to have the kind of weather that invites you to snuggle indoors in something warm and cosy whilst (pre-baby - drinking wine and watching films) playing tea parties or making Duplo Blok creations with Jess.

A few of the books we have on the go at the moment include:
When Poppy and Max Grow Up - Lindsay Gardiner
Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose - Julia Donaldson
Let's Go, Anna - Vivian French. An unexpected hit this. Jess loves the idea that poor Anna has an accident on each page, and of course, she is very familiar with the shopping experience!
Something for Daddy - Ted Dewan. A Bing book. Jessicat finds the concept of "goo" highly amusing.
At Home with Tom and Pippo - Helen Oxenbury. Collection of 6 stories; sheer class.
Peepo - Janet Ahlberg. This would always be in my top 5 books to read to Jess. In fact, it's so utterly brilliant, it would probably be one of my desert island choices (well, you never know....)
Noisy Poems - Jill Bennett. And Jessicat can say "I love that poem"!

Monday, 25 August 2008

Bank Holiday respite

Dave has kindly taken Jessicat to Keynsham park, so I have an hour to myself with which to catch up with paperwork and update the blog. As Jess woke us at 3am last night (bad dream? too hot?), I am not feeling too sparky today, but I did want to update the blog to list the title of some of the books we are currently enjoying.

Ouch! I need a plaster! - Nick Sharratt. Jessicat enjoys the rollicking rhythm and likes to point to the appropriate part of the body that is injured as we turn the pages.

What's in the parcel Postman Pat? -Author not identified. Since I learnt that the National Literacy Trust use Postman Pat in some of their teaching/materials, I'm a lot keener. And reading the books and watching the TV programmes with Jessicat, I can see that they do spark off a lot of discussion about everyday objects and routines.

Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig? - Mick Inkpen.

Lulu Loves the Library - Anna McQuinn. Sweet little story about a young girl's enjoyment of a trip to the library and the cafe with her mummy; just the right amount of detail for Jess to savour at the moment.

Say Hello to the Snowy Animals - Ian Whybrow. Jess enjoys this book, but not as much as the Wobble Bear series.

Elephant and the Bad Baby - Elfrida Vipont. A longer story than Jessicat is used to, but it seems to hold her concentration (whilst she is eating anyway). And given that we are at the stage of saying "what's the magic word?", it seems strangely apt.

Polly's Puffin - Sarah Garland. At first glance, her pictures can seem a bit wishy-washy and too vague to appeal to a toddler. But they are great; Jess loves to identify the detail and there is something very human in the way Sarah Garland depicts exasperated, tired parents and excited children. Always reminds me of the last picture of The Baby's Catalogue by the Ahlbergs.

Emergency Vehicles - Felicity Brooks. A winning combination of flaps to lift and detailed pictures of ambulances etc.

Harry Goes to Bed - Lydia Monks.

Tomorrow is our third wedding anniversary! We are hoping to fit in a meal at Cafe Rouge and a trip to the cinema. I can't wait!

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Some bargains...

Managed to pick up a couple of excellent paper back picture books for Jessicat this morning, from Asda, at the unbelievable price of £1 each. They are:

Not So Loud, Oliver - Tony Maddox. A very sweet little story, with nice illustrations, and lots of animals to identify in each picture. One caveat - the storyline bears a striking resemblance to Cock a Moo Moo by Juliet Dallas-Conte.

Flora's Blanket - Debi Gliori. A writer/illustrator that we are familiar with and enjoy very much.

A day of never-ending rain put paid to our hopes of attending the Balloon Fiesta. Instead, we mooched around supermarkets (terrible if you need to do a shop and control Jess; lots of fun if you can follow her as she runs around, aiming for the toys, magazines and the flowers) and had a day of playing indoors - doing crayons, stickers, imaginative role play etc. I surprised myself by really getting into the spirit of it and enjoying myself.

Monday, 4 August 2008

New photos

I'm in the process of adding some more recent photos of Jessicat, so watch this space...

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Lots of frustrations and lots of joys

The heading just about sums up our experiences of being parents at the moment. It is tiring and frustrating sometimes coping with Jessicat's oppositional behaviour. I do get annoyed with her constantly throwing her cup of juice onto the floor, running in the opposite direction from the way we want to go, and screaming if she does not get her own way. But, strangely, we are having the best times ever together as well. Her responsiveness to and enthusiasm about the world around her are infectious. She makes connections and I have to be constantly on my toes trying to work out what she means. For example, when she sees a picture of a windmill, she often shouts "Teletubbies" (one of her favourite programmes that just happens to feature a windmill in its title sequence. D'oh!)

Books featuring other toddlers or children going about their normal, day to day activities continue to be popular. Jess is really enjoying the Tom and Pippo series (Helen Oxenbury), which feature the perfect amount of text per page for her taste, and very simple storylines around subjects such as going out for a walk, or asking your parents to read to you. No gimmicks, no flaps, no noises, just lovely pictures and a simple narrative to share. Jessicat is also enjoying a Wobble Bear book (and loves to call out "yellow" when prompted), and adores looking at her Usborne Look and Say books. So, we have lots of reading sessions together throughout the day; from first thing in the morning snuggled up in the bed together and chanting nursery rhymes to last thing at night with a cup of milk. Magic.

Jessicat loves:
watching Peppa Pig on TV
Pinching crisps and chocolates from her parents
Playing seasides and shops in the back garden
Being tickled and "rough play"
Going to the park
Stroking cats
Picking flowers

Jessicat hates:
the big bath (scared by the transition from baby bath to normal bath; we are hoping a non-slip mat and some bath crayons do the trick)
Doing as she's told(!)
Strange people coming up close and saying hello to her

Sunday, 20 July 2008

After Much Ado - Dad's first blog entry!

Well, Jessica is now over 20 months old and due to a mix of peer pressure and desire to write something, I find myself moved from the position of chief commenter to 'blogger'.

Jess is an absolute joy at the moment. I love having a day off in the week with her although my work doesn't like my part-time hours too much - well you know what you can do with that don't you?
As I get older and see so many people 'married' to their jobs it makes me worry even more for the human race. Where are your prioirities? A child is by far the most important thing that will ever happen in most lives and work is somewhere down near the lower 98th centile...just below knitting your own yoghurt. I just don't get these people (who have kids) that think the best thing to do is give 'em what they want as long as it doesn't involve attention or nurturing. It makes no sense and smavks of having kids as fashion accesories rather than want to put in any effort to develop a free thinking individual interested in the machinations of the world.

I told Val it was risky giving me time as chief blogger! Anyway, off my orange box now....

Jessica is coming along in leaps and bounds. She has gone back to loving books. Even to the extent that we are distracting her with other things. Her speech is coming on in leaps and bounds and comprehension is even better. Jessica's first word of most days is 'book'. This occurs when I pick her out of her cot for some 'cuddle' time with Mum and Dad prior to work. We leave a few books in her cot and she won't leave them behind. There's a couple of ABC and picture books and a copy of Usborne's 'That's Not my Kitten' which she still loves.

Jessica loves to spend time outside in the garden. She started off just wandering but now she's wondering! She likes to look under stones at insects and play with her toy pushchair (no doll) and bouncy balls. She also likes to chase about (and be thrown in the air) and has recently developed an interest in inventive play - particularly 'seaside'. This is a game where Jessica invents seaside scenarios. She 'feeds' the horses and donkeys over the wall, goes on a boat 'row/row/row' by sitting on the wall and rocking and goes swimming by lying flat on the patio. She also paddles by sitting and stamping her feet in 'the sea' and enjoys her ice-cream.

As well as inventive play she is also stringing words together with frequency. these range from body parts 'Daddy's nose' to what she wants, 'back garden' and 'fruit flakes' being currently popular.

Anyway, enough about her development and back to one of the sources of it - books. She absolutely loves them. We are particularly enjoying 'Ten Out Of Bed' as it gives parents the ideal opportunity for discursive reading. Jessica also enjoys 'Bing' - more so that me it has to be said. She loves the rhymes and simple drawings - 'bunny rabbit!'. OK - It's a Bing Thing! It's also a toddler thing.
We are really enjoying the Usborne books with the little duck on each page and something unusual (sheep wearing glasses, pig in a flat cap etc). This is a lovely series and also aids communication between parents and children with lots to talk about and a feeling of great satisfaction when items are located. I think that there are a few in the series. We have 'Farm', 'Zoo' and 'Seaside' I think!

Anyway must trundle. Jessica is being Christened next weekend. We think she will throw a blue-hairy fit as she doesn't like being the centre of attention. In a way I hope she does - rebellion isn't such a bad thing, as long as you know what your rebelling against!
It will be lovely to see friends and family. My Mum and partner are down to stay for a few days so that will be nice.

See you again soon for another comment.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

June reading

Goodnight moon Brown, Margaret Wise
Spot's baby sister Hill, Eric
Toddlerobics Newcome, Zita
Fizz the fire engine! Wojtowycz, David
Works 7: Classic poems Moses, Brian
Little red hen: a touch and feel book Randall, Ronne
My blanket is blue: sleeptime, dreamtime Offen, Hilda
Bedtime! Swain, Gwenyth
Chimp and Zee Anholt, Catherine
Goodnight me, goodnight you Mitton, Tony
Duck is dirty Kitamura, Satoshi
Go picnic Dewan, Ted
Doing the washing Garland, Sarah
Hello, little bird Horacek, Petr
My beak, your beak Walsh, Melanie
Five noisy ducks Claire, Page
Maisy's nature trail Cousins, Lucy
Picture this..... Jay, Alison
Come and play Mr.Croc Lodge, Jo
Monkey and me Gravett, Emily

This is the current books that Jessicat and I have out from the library and have been sharing together. Jess currently has a fascination for books about vehicles (to think I thought that having a daughter meant I would escape all the crappy Thomas the Tank Engine merchandise!) and books that depict everyday domestic activies.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Jessicat is 19 months old!

It is a month since I last blogged. Things have been busy here, as we are arranging for Jessicat to be baptised on Sunday 27th July. We have planned to have a buffet and drinks in the White Hart afterwards (not sure if we have made the right decision with the venue, but it had the advantages of being close. Oh, and it was free!) Jessicat and I are immersed in our daily routines of work, toddler groups and housework, and often the days race by.

Healthwise, things have improved since Jess's terrible bout of gastroenteritis last month. Fingers crossed. I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (probably related to stress - moi, a stress queen?!?!?), so I am trying hard to chill out and take life as it comes.

Jessicat is going through another stage of responding enthusiastically to books, though very much on her own terms. When Dave picks her out of the cot in the morning (on a bad day, as early as 6am, and on a good day, 7.10am), she immediately starts saying "book, book" and a read first thing has become as much part of our routine as dressing and breakfast. Jess continues to love to turn through pages and flick through books on her own, and I enjoy seeing her do this, even if her heavy handed treatment means some of the books end up damaged.

Her language development continues apace. She is showing intriguing signs of beginning to link words together, and can say "Mama's glasses" or "Daddy's nose" for example. Jessicat will even attempt a very basic conversation on the phone with her nanny, and certainly knows when to say "hello" and "goodbye".

Have recently managed to get back in touch with a good friend from school, Hanna Hedstroem. Hanna, if you're reading this, hello, and Axel is gorgeous! Hope you get some good tips on baby books from this blog.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Some books that Jessicat is really enjoying

Big Red Bath - Julia Jarman. A rollicking rhyme that is a lot of fun to read. Jess is fascinated by the page that shows the bath flying round planet earth. Not sure she understands the story, but I think the repetition and the pictures help to hold her interest.

Fuzzy, Fuzzy, Fuzzy - Sandra Boynton. A bizarre book that makes Jessicat giggle. Must work on some level that is only comprehensible to toddlers.

Colours - Shirley Hughes. Beautiful drawings and nice rhymes; a pleasure to read aloud, and I am so pleased that Jessicat loves this book.

Bing Make Music - Ted Dewan. Our first Bing book. Jess enjoys the repetitive refrain and giggles when we read this.

Oh Dear - Rod Campbell. Another classic featuring Buster and lots of flaps.

Baby's New Shoes - Dashka Slater. What I most enjoy about this book is the way Jess can join in when the baby says "uh oh" and mummy says "on no" and the repetition of "go go go". It's very much like We're Going On a Bear Hunt for encouraging children to join in.

This Little Chick - John Lawrence. Stunningly crafted illustrations in this book.

All of these books are enjoyable for Jessicat and me to share. Some of them are so beautifully produced that I would be happy to have posters replicating the illustrations to put up on my wall; they would look great next to Jess's Bookstart certificates. I feel fortunate indeed that there are such amazing books out there for children of Jessicat's age.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

May update

Jessicat now 18 months old. We have had a hellish week. She caught a nasty gastroenteritis bug that culminated in 4am trips to the NHS walk-in centre and a visit to Bristol Children's Hospital to get her rehydrated. She was vomiting for over a week. Definitely one of the worst experiences of her - and our - lives, and a time that I am glad to put behind us.

On a more positive note, Jess's language skills are really developing now. She seems to be able to say quite a few words, though cannot link any together yet. She surprises me sometimes with the words she has a go at. Yesterday, we were looking at a picture book together when she suddenly said - quite appropriately - "car seat". She still loves to identify and point at objects in her books, and I can see all this repetition paying off as she appears to understand and be able to label many things.

Daytime naps. Oh dear. Jessicat appears to have given hers up. For the last 3 days, she has been awake between 6 -6.30am and despite my best efforts, does not want to sleep until bedtime at approximately 7pm (when, admittedly, she is tired). So Dave and I have lost that little hour; an oasis of peace, lunching and wasting time on FB. That precious time will be sorely missed.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

General Update

Jessicat is now 17 months old! She is loving her new found mobility. Her favourite activity of the moment is to go outside and pick dandelions or daisies, or put pebbles in a bucket. When the weather is warm, this means I can sit outside with her and flick through a magazine whilst she amuses herself pottering around. Less enjoyable are the tantrums that ensue when we bring her back indoors, but you can't have it all....

I must confess that I have become very slack about letting Jessicat watch TV. I am ashamed to say that she probably watches about an hour of CBeebies a day. Favourite programmes include In the Night Garden, Teletubbies, Razzle Dazzle and Something Special. I hope I am slighty redeemed by the fact that we buy a lot of the magazine tie-ins for these programmes to spend time doing sticking and colouring together.

Jessicat babbles away to us now. It sounds like proper speech. She can say yes or no clearly, and has no problem in letting us know her mind! She attempts to say many words - eg bird, moon, bubble, fruit flakes etc - but often only manages the inital consonant. No sign yet of her beginning to link words together, but hopefully this is not far away now she is so talkative. She also seems much more cheeful and less shy at the moment; I just hope this carries on.

I am in the process of recovering from another nasty cold, which may account for the slightly downbeat tone of this latest update. I just hope Jess does not succumb. Back soon hopefully with more cheerful news.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Back to basics....

...with a few simple but well crafted and enjoyable books aimed at babies and toddlers:

Bedtime - Tony Ross. My little madam enjoys reading about the little princess!

Going to Bed Book - Sandra Boynton. Very enjoyable for both of us.

Who's There Spot? - Eric Hill.

Busy Babies Go to the Gym - Jane Kemp. Jessicat seems to show less interest in animals now (once a favourite topic) and more fascination with the activities of other toddlers, so books like this which focus on the daily activities Jess herself participates in go down well. Bit dull for adults to keep reading though.

Baby Loves Peekaboo - at least this has sturdy cardboard flaps to withstand Jess's handling.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Toddlerdom hits with a vengeance

As well as a highly mobile little girl, we have one who knows how to throw a tantrum! Aaargh!!! A typical flashpoint at the moment would be us telling Jessicat that she can't go out to the back garden for some reason. This leads to up to 30 minutes of sobbing and angry yelling. Gulp. But, Jess often manages to be totally adorable just a short while after. She looks so cute toddling around, beaming at people with pride in her own mobility (though desperately shy if they dare to come too close), and is so loving that she melts my heart.

So it's a time of contrasts at the moment. Reading is not high on Jessicat's agenda - there is too much exploring and emptying to be done. Our main times for sharing books now seems to be mealtimes. We still have a huge pile sat on the dining room table that we make our way through regularly, and when I am bored with these, I intersperse new books that we've picked up from the library. Nursery rhymes continue to be much loved, and Jessicat really enjoys joining in with the actions now.

Books (and a glass of wine or port and lemon) are still my salvation at the end of a fractious day. At the moment, I am devouring the Alice books by Susan Juby; I can only describe them as a sort of Canadian version of Adrian Mole. Shelved on the young adult section, they probably won't be noticed by a lot of people - what a sad waste.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Little Miss Mobile!

Jessicat has - at last - really found her feet and is enjoying walking EVERYWHERE! It's great fun - so far - to watch her tottering round the library or the supermarket, and today we were able to meet up with friends at Bocabar whilst Jess entertained herself toddling around. What a fantastic development!

So all this action on the walking front means that books have taken a backseat in Jessicat's mind at the moment. Reading has to be fitted in in short bursts, and Jess is increasingly fussy about the books she likes. These listed below are proving popular this week:

One Big Building Site - Dubravka Kolanovic. Jess loves to be asked to identify the cranes or the cement mixers! Makes a change from books about animals or toddlers, and this can only be helpful for increasing her receptive vocabulary.

Meg's Car - Helen Nicoll. Meg and Mog fascinate Jessicat at the moment. The illustrations are bright and arresting, and I think this is why this is one of the few books that Jess will sit by herself and pore over at the moment.

Milton the Early Riser - Robert Kraus.

Bathwater's Hot - Shirley Hughes. Lovely book. Jess particularly likes the page with the traffic lights - another of her current preoccupations.

Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings - Matthew Van Fleet.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Spring reading

It's good to be able to blog and report that - touch wood - we are finally all getting over our various viruses. Jessicat is livelier than she has been for a while, and is back to waking up before 7am (grrr....)

Her concentration for books continues to be variable. She is much fussier about what we read together now, and will push a book away very forcefully if she's not in the mood for it. On the other hand, when we get the book just right, her response and her enthusiasm are just infectious.

Last Sunday, we had a family outing to a baby show, held at Ashton Gate. There, we managed to pick up 2 gorgeous books for Jessicat:
Bear At Work - Stella Blackstone. Yippee, a brand new bear book! This series remains quite possibly Jessicat's favourite of all time, and this is fabulous - lots of detail in the pictures to discuss and the usual jaunty rhyming text. Buying this book has coincided nicely with Jess's interest in letter boxes and posting things, which arose after we bought her her own post box from the Early Learning Centre.
Sparkly Fairies (Touchy Feely Board Books) - absolutely beautiful board book from the Usborne stable, full of glitter, sparkle and soft textures. Jess is already girly enough to be interested in the idea of fairies (she has the ELC Fairy Toadstool Cottage), and though the text if a bit naff, this is a beautiful book to flick through.

Hard to believe that it's Easter next week. Jess already has one egg, so there will be some serious rationing going on for my little chocaholic! Dot and Brian are coming to stay over the Easter weekend, and I am hoping that Dave and I may even get the opportunity to go out to celebrate his imminent promotion and transfer to the Planning Inspectorate.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Another week of illnessess...

...this is just getting tedious! Jessicat is picking up slowly, though she continues to have a cough and runny nose. I have been ill myself and in hospital with a (fortunately, mild) case of viral meningitis. So with all this going on, reading has not been at the forefront of our minds this week. But in another way, we have been glad to escape into books as a getaway from all the other crap going on.

Jess and I have particularly been enjoying Snowman by Guido Van Genechten and Get Into Bed by Virginia Miller. Jess has already mastered saying "nah" along with Bartholomew as he refuses to follow yet another instruction.

I look forward to being able to post again soon with the news that we are all in good health.

Friday, 29 February 2008

Worried Mum

Jessicat is still ill. The doctors are saying it's a virus, but I am worried, and hate seeing her so lethargic and off her food. This just doesn't feel right, and we are going straight back to the doctor on Monday unless things drastically improve over the weekend.

We are still making our way through a pile of brand new board books from Wick Road library. These include:

Chimp and Zee - Catherine Anholt.
Baby's Catalogue - Janet Ahlberg.
Joe's Dog - Angela Joy
Princesses - Fiona Watt
Splash, Splosh - Jo Lodge.

These are a great collection of books, but I just can't summon up the energy to enthuse at the moment. Until Jess is well again, nothing else seems that important.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

The challenge of putting in eyedrops

Jessicat has a severe cold and conjunctivitus. This means several times a day, Dave and I have to go through the traumatic job of attempting to get eyedrops in. Even the bribe of mini Cheddars to follow does little to stem the flow of tears, and all 3 of us will be glad when this never ending cold is finally over.

On a more cheerful note, our friendly librararians at Wick Road kindly put aside a consignment of brand new board books for Jessicat and me to share. We have had a nice time discovering some new writers together, including:

Love is a Handful of Honey - Giles Andrae. You wouldn't know from this book that he is also Purple Ronnie! Not too sure that Jess is keen on the rhyme, but she is fascinated by trying to find the 3 tiny mice hidden on each page. What a great way to hook an easily distracted toddler!

Bedtime Teddy - author unknown. Sweet little books that show a teddy going about his bedtime routine. Nice to share a book with Jessicat that so accurately reflects her experience.

Baby Noises - Verna Wilkins.

One Moose, Twenty Mice - Clare Beaton. I like her distinctive illustrations and think that Jessicat will enjoy looking for the cat on each page.

Wake Up, Little Rabbit - Debi Gliori.

Duck's Day Out - Jez Alborough. I love this book! It's full of fun and has a very basic story told in rhyme. An instant winner.

When It's Time for Bed - Nick Butterworth.

Friday, 15 February 2008

More steps...

Progress on the walking front if slow but sure. Yesterday, I went to collect Dave from work and was able to walk into his office with Jessicat beside me holding onto one of my hands. This new found skill tires Jess out and does affect her concentration levels and interest in reading slightly, so we have spent a bit more time this week with old favourites rather than trying more new books. It's not all good news: Jessicat has become very resistant to being fed, and is taking all of my imagination and shopping nous to keep a steady and varied supply of finger foods on the go. She is 15 months old tomorrow, and on Sunday we are hoping to go out to celebrate.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Jessicat's first steps!!!

Yesterday, Jessicat took her first tentative, bumbling steps! I was sitting next to her on the floor reading to her whilst she played her usual game of standing up and then letting go of my legs to balance herself. All of a sudden, she took two wobbly steps forward and fell into my arms, feeling very pleased with herself! Cue much pride on mine and Dave's part, and an immediate phone call to my mum to do some boasting.

I'm also trying to introduce paperback books now, as we've exhausted the board book collections at our local libraries. To start us off, we have:

Jungle Sounds - Colin Hawkins

There's Something at the Letterbox - Jez Alborough. An immediate winner, with Jess signing "more" as soon as I reached the end for the first time, and she is amused by the dad we meet on the final page swinging on his rope and pretending to be Tarzan.

Hello Lulu - Caroline Uff. Jessicat is still attracted to the bright pictures. She can now point to the text on a page when asked to identify which bits are words, and which bits are pictures.

Noisy Poems - Debi Gliori.

I'm now looking forward to seeing if Jessicat's new found mobility (well, a few steps is a start!) leads to a leap forward in her ability to verbalize and communicate with us. This is an exciting time to be a mum!

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Busy days

Jessicat and I have been sharing a mix of new books and old favourites so far in February. :

Rosie's Walk - Pat Hutchins. A book with almost no text, requiring some storytelling skills on the reader's part. Bright illustrations that Jess likes to look at.

Elmer's New Friend - David McKee. Did you know that he also wrote the TV series Mr Ben? I only found that out through an article in The Times recently about children's TV.

Cleo and Caspar - Caroline Mockford. Another treat from Barefoot Books.

What Can Rabbit See? - Lucy Cousins. Interesting to see a character in a book who needs to wear specs!

Meg and Mog Touch and Feel Book - Helen Nicoll. For some reason, Jessicat loves to point out the cauldron. Goodness knows what she makes of the concept of a witch!

Jess can now come downstairs by sliding on her tummy, and is rapidly becoming more confident at sliding backwards of the sofa. She had her MMR injections a few days ago, so I am a bit apprehensive about what that might lead to. She has been quite "full on" today, so I am looking forward to getting her off to bed shortly and sitting down with Heat and Private Eye.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Books and food

Two of my favourite topics in one title! At the moment, we find Jessicat eats more and with less fuss if we recite nursery rhymes when feeding her, or read books together when she feeds herself with finger food. We have a huge pile of books threatening to topple over on our table, and a few collections of nursery rhymes as well. Regular reads at mealtimes for us include:

Kingfisher Collection of Nursery Rhymes - selected by Sally Emerson. A lovely anthology with many rhymes that can be sung. Jessicat's current favourite is "Hot Cross Buns".

Happy Dog, Sad Dog - Sam Lloyd. This book was given to us as part of Jess's first gift from Bookstart. She has loved it since she was a tiny baby, and I don't think I will ever be able to look at this book without being reminded of her babyhood. She also really enjoys the other Sam Lloyd title we managed to pick up cheaply in a second hand shop, Whose Tail?

I Kissed the Baby - Mary Murpy. Still makes Jess laugh out loud when I get to the page where I have to kiss her!

How Do You Feel? Mandy Stanley. Companion volume to the much enjoyed What Do You Say?

The Owl and The Pussycat - Edward Lear, with illustrations by Deborah Jones. Well, surely it's never to early to introduce this poem, though some very unworthy and immature part of me cringes inside when saying "what a lovely pussy you are". Ho hum.

Jess continues to be a TV addict, much to my embarrassment when I talk to other mums who eschew TV completely (what is their secret for getting things done?) Her programme of the moment is Something Special, involving Mr Tumble and lots of signing. I don't suppose I set the example I should, as when Jessicat is in bed, I love nothing more than sitting down with my port and lemon in front of So You Think You Can Dance or Relocation, Relocation. Her other much loved activity this week has been using the walker to go for a stroll up and down the drive and even up the road.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Rainy January days

Elmer's Colours and Elmer's Weather - David Mckee. 2 more from the series that Jessicat enjoys. I just can't get over how camp the lion and the polar bear are in these books!

Bear's Busy Family - Stella Blackstone. The only one left in this brilliant series that we haven't yet read. These books are like catnip for babies. The illustrations are clear, bright and detailed, and accompanied by a short rhyme. Jess loves to pore over the books and point to all the objects she recognizes.

Otherwise, life goes on as usual. Jessicat and Dave are still enjoying their Wednesdays together, and are attending Starjumpers (gymnastics for babies). We are still sneaking cow's milk into her cup of formula milk with the intention of disposing of the formula all together over the next few weeks. Jess was 14 months on the Wednesday just gone. Still no sign of walking, though she is getting more confident using the walker to get around. I'm hoping when she finally does take off, she will be much less frustrated and clingy, as there have been some moments recently when I've been hanging in there until her bedtime!

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Lots of books for Jess to choose from this week...

...including some new ones from Lara Jones.

Davy Dinosaur: Favourties and Davy Dinosaur: Counting are 2 beautifully produced books with textures from the author of the much loved Poppy Cat books. Jessicat loves feeling the different textures, especially the sticky footprints. If I have one minor criticism, it is that there is very limited text, and now that Jess is gaining in understanding and comprehension of words, I think she is very for a (very basic) narrative.

Dear Zoo - Rod Campbell. Another old favourite re-visited as we found a pristine copy in the library with all the flaps intact.

Peepo - Janet Ahlberg. Deservedly a classic of baby's literature. Jess and I first shared this book when she was only a few months old, and I would read it to her whilst bottle or breast feeding. Then, she went through a stage in which the rhymes and the illustrations were just too subtle and detailed for her taste. But over the last few days, she has started to show an interest in this book again, and that gives me a chance to wallow in the nostalgic pictures and rhymes. A real treat.

All About Me: A Baby's Guide to Babies - David Salariya. Lots of photos of babies and a repetitive narrative. Good for encouraging discussion and recognition of body parts and basic actions.

See the Rabbit - Janet Ahlberg. Again, lovely pictures and Jess enjoys pointing to objects that she recognizes.

Noisy Poems - ed by Jill Bennett. Another old favourite. Anyone who thinks that poetry isn't for babies should try this book.

Getting my latest copy of Books For Keeps this week prompted me to check out Micheal Rosen's website: I'm really excited to hear that there's going to be an exhibition about the history of children's poetry at the British Library, and really hope this tours, as my chances of getting to see it in London with Jessicat in tow are pretty minimal.

Friday, 4 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Jessicat is back into books with a vengeance at the moment. She must know that 2008 has been designated the National Year of Reading! Her favourite way of reading at the moment is to select a book, bring it to me to read to her, allow me to get through a few pages whilst she excitedly points to objects she recognizes, before rolling off me to select another one. Although it means our reading is done piecemeal, I can't help but get carried along by her enthusiasm, and am proud of her growing understanding and ability to point to objects on request.

Some of her favourite books from our current selection are:

One Little Farm - Dubravka Kolanovic. Lovely warm pictures; a basic counting book, but one that Jess really enjoys, so no doubt we will make our way through the whole series.

Lulu's Busy Day - Caroline Uff. Jessicat and I have read this book before. Lulu is a long established favourite now.

Ten in the Bed - Penny Dale (in board book format). We already own the paperback version, but that is not really able to withstand Jess's loving ministrations yet, so a board version is a great idea. Jessicat is amused by the noise the animals make as they fall on the floor. The drawings in this version are not quite as nice as in the paperback, so we will keep our book to look at when Jess is a bit older.

Who's Hiding at Home? - Julie Fletcher. A good find. Really sturdy flaps for Jess to manipulate; whoever produced this understands what toddlers can do to books!

Hoping for a more healthy year in 2008. Looking forward to Jess being able to walk and talk, and hoping for more sleep! As for the New Year Honours, really pleased to see Jacqueline Wilson and Eric Hill honoured.