Sunday, 22 June 2008

Jessicat is 19 months old!

It is a month since I last blogged. Things have been busy here, as we are arranging for Jessicat to be baptised on Sunday 27th July. We have planned to have a buffet and drinks in the White Hart afterwards (not sure if we have made the right decision with the venue, but it had the advantages of being close. Oh, and it was free!) Jessicat and I are immersed in our daily routines of work, toddler groups and housework, and often the days race by.

Healthwise, things have improved since Jess's terrible bout of gastroenteritis last month. Fingers crossed. I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (probably related to stress - moi, a stress queen?!?!?), so I am trying hard to chill out and take life as it comes.

Jessicat is going through another stage of responding enthusiastically to books, though very much on her own terms. When Dave picks her out of the cot in the morning (on a bad day, as early as 6am, and on a good day, 7.10am), she immediately starts saying "book, book" and a read first thing has become as much part of our routine as dressing and breakfast. Jess continues to love to turn through pages and flick through books on her own, and I enjoy seeing her do this, even if her heavy handed treatment means some of the books end up damaged.

Her language development continues apace. She is showing intriguing signs of beginning to link words together, and can say "Mama's glasses" or "Daddy's nose" for example. Jessicat will even attempt a very basic conversation on the phone with her nanny, and certainly knows when to say "hello" and "goodbye".

Have recently managed to get back in touch with a good friend from school, Hanna Hedstroem. Hanna, if you're reading this, hello, and Axel is gorgeous! Hope you get some good tips on baby books from this blog.

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