Sunday, 29 June 2008

June reading

Goodnight moon Brown, Margaret Wise
Spot's baby sister Hill, Eric
Toddlerobics Newcome, Zita
Fizz the fire engine! Wojtowycz, David
Works 7: Classic poems Moses, Brian
Little red hen: a touch and feel book Randall, Ronne
My blanket is blue: sleeptime, dreamtime Offen, Hilda
Bedtime! Swain, Gwenyth
Chimp and Zee Anholt, Catherine
Goodnight me, goodnight you Mitton, Tony
Duck is dirty Kitamura, Satoshi
Go picnic Dewan, Ted
Doing the washing Garland, Sarah
Hello, little bird Horacek, Petr
My beak, your beak Walsh, Melanie
Five noisy ducks Claire, Page
Maisy's nature trail Cousins, Lucy
Picture this..... Jay, Alison
Come and play Mr.Croc Lodge, Jo
Monkey and me Gravett, Emily

This is the current books that Jessicat and I have out from the library and have been sharing together. Jess currently has a fascination for books about vehicles (to think I thought that having a daughter meant I would escape all the crappy Thomas the Tank Engine merchandise!) and books that depict everyday domestic activies.

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