Saturday 17 May 2008

May update

Jessicat now 18 months old. We have had a hellish week. She caught a nasty gastroenteritis bug that culminated in 4am trips to the NHS walk-in centre and a visit to Bristol Children's Hospital to get her rehydrated. She was vomiting for over a week. Definitely one of the worst experiences of her - and our - lives, and a time that I am glad to put behind us.

On a more positive note, Jess's language skills are really developing now. She seems to be able to say quite a few words, though cannot link any together yet. She surprises me sometimes with the words she has a go at. Yesterday, we were looking at a picture book together when she suddenly said - quite appropriately - "car seat". She still loves to identify and point at objects in her books, and I can see all this repetition paying off as she appears to understand and be able to label many things.

Daytime naps. Oh dear. Jessicat appears to have given hers up. For the last 3 days, she has been awake between 6 -6.30am and despite my best efforts, does not want to sleep until bedtime at approximately 7pm (when, admittedly, she is tired). So Dave and I have lost that little hour; an oasis of peace, lunching and wasting time on FB. That precious time will be sorely missed.

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