Saturday, 8 March 2008

Another week of illnessess...

...this is just getting tedious! Jessicat is picking up slowly, though she continues to have a cough and runny nose. I have been ill myself and in hospital with a (fortunately, mild) case of viral meningitis. So with all this going on, reading has not been at the forefront of our minds this week. But in another way, we have been glad to escape into books as a getaway from all the other crap going on.

Jess and I have particularly been enjoying Snowman by Guido Van Genechten and Get Into Bed by Virginia Miller. Jess has already mastered saying "nah" along with Bartholomew as he refuses to follow yet another instruction.

I look forward to being able to post again soon with the news that we are all in good health.

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