Saturday 29 March 2008

Little Miss Mobile!

Jessicat has - at last - really found her feet and is enjoying walking EVERYWHERE! It's great fun - so far - to watch her tottering round the library or the supermarket, and today we were able to meet up with friends at Bocabar whilst Jess entertained herself toddling around. What a fantastic development!

So all this action on the walking front means that books have taken a backseat in Jessicat's mind at the moment. Reading has to be fitted in in short bursts, and Jess is increasingly fussy about the books she likes. These listed below are proving popular this week:

One Big Building Site - Dubravka Kolanovic. Jess loves to be asked to identify the cranes or the cement mixers! Makes a change from books about animals or toddlers, and this can only be helpful for increasing her receptive vocabulary.

Meg's Car - Helen Nicoll. Meg and Mog fascinate Jessicat at the moment. The illustrations are bright and arresting, and I think this is why this is one of the few books that Jess will sit by herself and pore over at the moment.

Milton the Early Riser - Robert Kraus.

Bathwater's Hot - Shirley Hughes. Lovely book. Jess particularly likes the page with the traffic lights - another of her current preoccupations.

Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings - Matthew Van Fleet.

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