Saturday 26 January 2008

Books and food

Two of my favourite topics in one title! At the moment, we find Jessicat eats more and with less fuss if we recite nursery rhymes when feeding her, or read books together when she feeds herself with finger food. We have a huge pile of books threatening to topple over on our table, and a few collections of nursery rhymes as well. Regular reads at mealtimes for us include:

Kingfisher Collection of Nursery Rhymes - selected by Sally Emerson. A lovely anthology with many rhymes that can be sung. Jessicat's current favourite is "Hot Cross Buns".

Happy Dog, Sad Dog - Sam Lloyd. This book was given to us as part of Jess's first gift from Bookstart. She has loved it since she was a tiny baby, and I don't think I will ever be able to look at this book without being reminded of her babyhood. She also really enjoys the other Sam Lloyd title we managed to pick up cheaply in a second hand shop, Whose Tail?

I Kissed the Baby - Mary Murpy. Still makes Jess laugh out loud when I get to the page where I have to kiss her!

How Do You Feel? Mandy Stanley. Companion volume to the much enjoyed What Do You Say?

The Owl and The Pussycat - Edward Lear, with illustrations by Deborah Jones. Well, surely it's never to early to introduce this poem, though some very unworthy and immature part of me cringes inside when saying "what a lovely pussy you are". Ho hum.

Jess continues to be a TV addict, much to my embarrassment when I talk to other mums who eschew TV completely (what is their secret for getting things done?) Her programme of the moment is Something Special, involving Mr Tumble and lots of signing. I don't suppose I set the example I should, as when Jessicat is in bed, I love nothing more than sitting down with my port and lemon in front of So You Think You Can Dance or Relocation, Relocation. Her other much loved activity this week has been using the walker to go for a stroll up and down the drive and even up the road.

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