Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Jessicat can read to me!

Well, sort of! On our trips to Mr B's Emporium of Book Delights (wonderful bookshop in Bath - google it), she always requested that I read a book entitled "Good Egg" by Barney Saltzburg. It's a very simple book about an egg that does tricks before a chick hatches out on the final page. A simple concept, but Jess loved the interactive elements, as the book is constructed in such a way that you can move the egg around. There are few words in it, and the text consists mainly of the phrase "good egg". Anyway, Dave and I bought Jessicat her own copy for Christmas, and she quickly memorised the text and begged to read it to us! Even though, strictly speaking, this isn't proper reading, she felt so proud of herself, and all of us enjoyed this reversal in our normal roles.

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