Friday, 30 January 2009

Blog coming back to life...

I've taken a lenghty break from blogging for a few reasons. Firstly, and mainly, I've been busy with work, with caring for Jessicat, and I have much less free time now her naps have become so much more erratic. Also, I was concerned that the blog was becoming just a list of books that Jessica and me were sharing, so of limited interest to anyone else. As the blog is about Jessica's reading adventures, I'm always going to want to reflect what books we have on the go, but now I'm planning to broaden our topics to include literacy related issues and parenting issues.

A lot has happened over the last 3 months. Jessica had her second birthday (and was very excited to receive a garage and a road mat), and of course, we have had Christmas celebrations as well. It was an utter joy this year to see her excitement about the lights, decorations, family visits and, of course, Father Christmas.

2009 will have a lot of challenges for us. First up looks to be potty training. Then there's the thorny issue of pre-school: both when to start it and where to go. I hope to do some more detailed entries in the future about Jessica's development, her social life, our family activities and provide some tips on how to promote a love of reading in children.